5- Jeez , wonder what got his panties in a bunch

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Since me and the girls have Biology together, we all meet up at our lockers. We then walk to class, until we hear this announcement coming from the speakers.

"Attention all students, we have good news! The school was able to raise enough money to buy an apartment complex that is just beside our school campus, and that will serve as your dorms for this school year. All classes today will be canceled. Please proceed to the main building for the circular that you will give to your parents or guardian, more information we be placed there. Thank you!"

After that, everyone headed to the main building. Since there are a lot of people in our school, they divided it into 4 lines. The first line was for the freshmen, the next was for the sophomores, you get the point. So we headed to the fourth line.

When it was finally my turn, I was given a circular and a card that said my dorm number.

216, nice.

I didn't bother to read it as I was gonna give it to my dad anyways, so reading would be his problem. (Yep I'm such a good daughter aren't I?)

As I said my goodbyes to the rest of the girls, I headed to my car. And the universe chooses to curse me yet again and make me and River run into each other. I don't know what I did to deserve this much torture man.

River's POV

After texting the guys about the plans for tonight, I saw Maddie. She was walking to her car that was parked beside mine, so of course we would run into each other.

I started walking closer to her, to of course provoke her.

"Cool books you got there, it would look better on the ground though" I said, and before she could respond I grabbed her books from her arms and threw them on the floor. Since she wrote some notes, she placed them in her books, so all the notes flew out of her books.

Don't ask me how I knew that.

I started chuckling the walking back to my car. I pretended to go in to get ready to leave, but I stayed to spy on her.

Maddie's POV

"What the hell is your problem Hart?" I said, he probably wasn't able to hear me though.

I groan as I realize the chaotic mess around me that were my books and notes.

As I started picking up my books and notes that flew out of them, I felt a presence beside me.

"Hello, I'm Victor" he said as he helped me pick up my things.

"Maddison, but you can call me Maddie" I said. "How come I've never seen you in campus before? Do you study here?"

"Oh well me and my sister just transferred here, so we're new." He said.

"Ohh I see." I responded

We started talking a bit and before we knew it we were finished picking up all my stuff.

"Well uh, thank you, for, y'know, helping me, I really appreciate it" I said, swing my foot back and fourth refusing to make eye contact.

"Not a problem." He said.

"Well, see you around! And I hope you enjoy your school year here."

He responded with a nod and walked away.

While walking back to my car, I see a very angry River entering his car and slamming the door, all before driving away in an alarming speed.

Jeez, wonder what got his panties in a bunch.


Author's note:

Hello everyone! Thanks for waiting for the next chapter.

I've also decided that I would be putting the number of words in a chapter, to see my progress.

Words count: 605

Anyways, see ya in the next one!

Rivals in a dormOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant