2- Introduction of Maddie

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Hiya! My name's Madison Clark. Most people know me as Maddie. I am 17 years old, studying at Dalyson High. I get along with almost all people in school, so I have a lot of friends, but the people that I'm most close to, AKA my best friends, Alyssa Gonzalez and Emily Jones.

Me and Alyssa have been best friends since diapers, seeing as how our mothers have been best friends for God knows how long. Emily moved schools here during freshman year, and ever since then, all of us have been best friends.

I usually get really good grades, and the lowest grade I've gotten was a C. You may be thinking that I'm those type of smart people that would be wallowing in tears or being scared to death that they're parents would get mad, but, I wasn't really. Yea sure I was a bit disappointed since I've always gotten good grades, but overall I wasn't too shook about it and neither was my dad.

He understood that sometimes people fail and that should never bring us down, in fact it should help us rise. "Learn from your failures", that's what my dad always says and that has always been my motto for everything.

Speaking of my dad, he's Mason Clark, AKA one of the wealthiest and successful business men. He's the CEO of some big company or something. I don't really care much about his work because he doesn't discuss it often and I'm not really into talking about his work, it all seems pretty boring. Although it's boring for me, it's definitely not boring to other people.

Whenever I would say my last name, people will be like "oh my god are you the daughter of Mason Clark" or "oh my god your so lucky to have a rich dad" and all that jazz. Some people even call me 'Mason's daughter'. Uhm hello? I am my own person, not just someone's daughter. God, people can be so infuriating sometimes.

If you're wondering about my mother, well she and my dad were in a car accident when I was 12 years old. My dad thankfully survived, but my mother unfortunately died. I used to be so sensitive to this topic so I would get mad or upset whenever someone would bring it up. But now I've learned to accept it.

Although people still don't bring it up in fear of me getting mad. My dad took this as a wake up call to enjoy life and spend more time with his family. He has gotten closer with me and even though he's the CEO, he still makes sure to always be there for me.

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