10-Dorm room organization

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(Authors note: Hello everyone! I just wanted to say that this chapter isn't like the normal chapters I write. This chapter will be about Maddy just buying stuff needed for the dorm. I wanted to kind of express my creativity in a way, but it might be boring for some, but don't worry! If you don't want to read this, I just posted a normal chapter, so you can skip this and read the next one, also, I decided on 2 ship names, Riddie or Maver, you guys can pick what you wanna call it, but I'll call it Riddie. Anyways, this chapter will have *some* Riddie scenes, but not a lot. This chapter will have zero affect on the main plot, I just wanted to share a little part of Maddie's life, before chaos breaks loose (yes, there's gonna be drama~~) Anyways, have fun reading!)

I unpacked a few stuff from my backpack and I got some clothes and my towel so could take a bath. I decided to get some more casual clothes instead of house clothes, since I was going out to buy things needed, and to go to dad.

 I decided to get some more casual clothes instead of house clothes, since I was going out to buy things needed, and to go to dad

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It looks pretty good, so I decide on that and bring it to the shower with me.

As I went out of my room, I noticed that River was rushing back to his room, not sprinting, but fast walking, as if he was caught doing something. I shrugged, not minding it, and headed to the bathroom.


I wanted to ask my dad for some money to get things needed for my room. I know I know, it's not good to ask your family for money, but when I get a job I'll pay him back and stop asking for money.

I got hungry so I decided to check the fridge to see if River placed any food or snacks so I can eat them, not then I'll buy our groceries. I saw some chips and orange juice so I went with that.

I wanted to watch some TV but couldn't find the remote, and I was too lazy to look for it or to ask River where it was, so I just got my phone and ate in the dining area while watching random stuff I find interesting.

"Maddie?" River said.

"What?" I replied, not bothering to look at him. I didn't mean this in a mean way (even though he deserves it), I was too invested in the video I was watching.

"You look good." He said, which gained my attention.

"Huh?" I said confused. He never said this to me before. Well maybe because we're rivals but..

hmm nevermind I don't have a point there.

"Well I mean you always look like you just got out of bed, or like a zombie, whenever I see you" he said.

"Gee thanks Hart, so kind of you to said that." I said, sarcastically, even though it was true. Everyday I would nearly be late since I would wake up late-ish, so I had to rush out of bed.

I went back to my room to unpack my stuff and started planning on how to organize my things. Like I said, my room was nearly furnished, but not fully. So I closed my eyes (closing my eyes somehow helps me think) and tried imagining my room organized in different ways to see which fit me. I walked over to my table and started feeling it, imagining my things there.

I imagined my laptop being in the center on my desk, with a small book organizer to put my books and notes on the left side. On the right side is where all my stationary and painting materials would be, along with my lamp and small desk decors. And calendar-planner stuck on my wall so I would keep track of important dates.

Next, I imagined a chair. I didn't want a normal chair, I wanted a spinning chair, those are more fun, but not an office chair, just a casual one.

Next, my bed. I opened my eyes at this point because it felt easier. The bed was already fine with me, so I decided to just get more pillows and maybe an extra blanket. The front of the bed was just an empty space. It looked bland, so I decided that I should get one of those fluffy rugs and a small sofa, that would be nice.

I saw an empty corner near my closet, so I decided to put a beanbag chair along with my ukulele and a smaller version of the fluffy rug that was for my sofa area.

And lastly, my closet. It was pretty big, bigger than mine at home. I was able to draw a layout of what I imagined my closet to be like.

(I don't wanna go into detail with this cause I feel like this is too irrelevant even though this whole chapter is irrelevant lol)

I wrote down a list of what I was gonna buy, I went to my dad's house. It sounds so weird saying *my dad's house* instead of *my house*.

I got my purse and headed out to where I left my shoes (near the door) so I can put them on.

As I was doing so, River asked where I was going.

"I'm gonna go buy things for my room, and probably buy groceries" I said.

"Oh okay. Buy me some snacks" He asked

"And why would I do that?"

"Because you ate my last ones?"

"Oh. Yea. Fine I will." I said

I won't.


I drove to my dad's house. Thankfully he was home, so I went parked my car, then knocked on his door.

"Oh hey kiddo" my dad said as he pulled me in for a hug.

"Hi dad" I said.

"Whatcha doin' here?"

"Welllll I was wondering..."

"What do you want this time?..."


"Kiddo just spit it out"

"Can I have money for my dorm room and for some groceries? Once I get a part-time job I'll pay you back, promise."

"Oh, okay. Just make sure you use it only for that."

"Thanks dad!" I said as I hugged him


I got back to the dorm after a long, long time. It was already dark. I brought up the lightest box along with my purse. My feet felt dead, my eyes were literally dropping, I was so tired that I could sleep on concrete and have the best sleep ever, but unfortunately for me, I still had to bring my things up.

I stumbled my way to the dorm to see River in the dining area on his phone.

"Woah what happened to you?" He said

"I'm just really tried honestly."

"mm okay."

"Hey...do you think you could maybe...bring the stuff up for me?"


"I still have some boxes in my trunk, can you bring them up please? I just want to sleep"

"But I-"

"Thanks" I said as I threw him my key and headed to my room.


When I woke up, I found my room to be fully furnished, the way I wanted it. Everything was set up and organized perfectly. I was amazed.

I saw a little note on my desk, it said

Here's your things your highness.


P.S, you still owe me snacks.


Author's note: And there y'have it! A little sneak peak of Maddie's life, along with some cute Riddie scenes <3 Love ya! xoxo

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(Follow me on TikTok to be updated whenever I post!: @Yanyanyan101010)

Word count: 1262 :o

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