7- Packing

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Author's note:

Hey guys! Soo sorry for not updating in a while. I've been pretty busy with a lot of stuff.

Sooo as an apology gift, I decided to give 2 updates! This is the first update, I'll be posting the second one after I proof read it. Thanks for reading! Enjoy!


Since I have no classes tomorrow, I don't have to sleep early. Well that doesn't really matter cause I can't sleep either way, so I decided to take a walk outside. Yes I know its already dark out, I just wanna take a peaceful walk outside.

I get my phone and play my playlist, put on my headphones and walk outside.

I'm not wearing much to be honest. I'm just wearing what I wore earlier, an oversized shirt and shorts. No one's gonna see me anyways, it's pretty late so I assume everyone's asleep or just in their  houses doing whatever.


After nearly finishing the playlist, I started heading home. I decided to increase the volume of my music. "Where the hell were you?" I heard someone say. My music was really loud so I couldn't hear it that much. My dad was asleep, so no one would be up, worrying about me. I assumed it was one of the neighbors talking to someone, so I ignored it.

"I said, where the hell have you been, Clark?" Someone said, as they grabbed my shoulder.

"WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled, scared out of my shit. I realized that I dropped my phone, so I went to pick it up.

"Calm down woman I'm not gonna kidnap you or something" I heard it say.

When I looked up, I realized it was River Hart. THE, River Hart, standing in front of me at 1am. "As I was saying, where the hell have you been?" I gave him a questioning look. "I've been on a walk and I don't know how that's any of your business but okay."

"Hmm, touché." He said as he started walking back to his house as I did the same, until it hit me.

"Uhm...Hart? How did you know I wasn't in my room?.. Have you been..stalking me?" I asked.

I saw him looking a bit panicked, I couldn't see much since his back was facing me, but I saw a bit of his face. He quickly gained his composure and walked away, as if he didn't hear me.

Well that was odd.


I woke up at around 9 am. I got up and took quick shower. After that, is went outside to clothes for the day. 

(Maddie's outfit):

(Maddie's outfit):

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I didn't dress up too much, since all I was gonna do is pack my things, and I don't think I'll be going anywhere, since they gave us the rest of the week to buy things for our dorms, and I'm not sure if I'm gonna go out today.

I started packing my things. First, I placed my clothes in 2 boxes. I placed my books and other small things that I'll need in my backpack. I placed all my shoes in their boxes (yes I keep the boxes) and placed them all in one box. I gathered all my hygienic needs like my shampoo, soap, toothbrush, etc, and placed those in a box.

After I finished packing, I decided to go buy some food for lunch. My dad usually cooks but he's at work, and I'm not really sure how to cook much.

I decided on getting McDonald's. It's close from my house so I didn't need a car. I didn't bother changing since I feel like my clothes are fine, and I wouldn't be there for long anyways.

I started walking down the sidewalk until I saw Hart, again.

I swear to god this man is everywhere.

"Ah Clark, what brings you out here? Aren't you supposed to be packing you're things? He asked with a slight smirk. 

"Well I'm done with packing my things, but what about you? You're asking me why I'm out here not packing my things while you're not doing it too." I pointed out.

"Well I'm too lazy to do it. I can just do it later or tomorrow." He shrugged.

"Suit yourself. If you're gonna be panicking about not having your things packed because you were to 'lazy' to do it then it isn't my fault. Later, douche." I said as I started to walk away again.


Somewhere at night, I heard Hart scream angrily, saying how he has so many things to unpack. 

Karma's a bitch, you bitch.


Author's note: 

Yes Maddie ask him a question you already know an answer to that's very smart of you!!!!!

Word count: 806

Oooo my second longest chapter (I think), nice!

I'll try my very best to keep this up, and maybe make it even longer! 

See y'all in the next chapter <33 

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