4-Abandoned at our table

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It was lunch. Me, Emily, and Alyssa were all sitting at our table.

Just like me, Alyssa was smart. She offered to tutor any students that needed help. She was assigned to tutor Jackson Law.

Jackson Law was one of the 'popular boys'. Y'know, the ones that all girls adored? Yeah, those kind of people.

Unfortunately, River was also part of the group.

Yeah, I'll admit, his dark blonde hair looks good 24/7, and he has gray eyes that you could drown in if you stare long enough, and yeah his tattoos are pretty hot. And ye-

I should stop.

Anyways, ever since Alyssa tutored Jack (Jackson), our table has been getting weird stares from him.

Let me rephrase that.

Alyssa, has been getting weird stares.

I have a feeling she's felt his eyes on her, but for some reason, she's never spoke about it or looked back at him, so today, I decided to point it out.

"Hey Alyssa, I've noticed that ever since you started tutoring Jack, he's been staring at our table, mainly at you." I pause, then smirk "Is there something we should know about?"

This probably shocked Alyssa because it brought her to end up choking on her food.

After that chaotic scene, and some eyes on us, Alyssa finally sighed as she started to explain.

"Well, ever since I started tutoring him, we've kinda..sort've...been dating..."


"WHAT!?" I shouted, not caring if people were looking and thought I was crazy.

"Shh keep it down! People will hear you." Said Alyssa. "It's not official, and we're planning on keeping it a secret for now. And also, we kissed! It was so amazing. Now I know exactly why so many girls adore him. I swear he looks even better close up. Oh my god that was one of my best experiences ever!"

I gasped after learning this information, then turned to Emily. "Emily are you hearing this?! Alyssa finally got her first kiss, FROM JACKSON LAW!"

No response.

"Uh hello??" I said to her. She was glued to her phone the whole damn time. I whispered to Alyssa, asking her to check what Emily has been doing that kept her this busy.

Alyssa looked at Emily's phone, then told me "She's talking to Jason Law! THE, Jason Law! AKA the brother of Jack? And guess what, she placed a heart beside his name, and calls him Jay! Only a few people get to call him that!"

Okay, what is up with my friends talking to the Law's?

Emily, after putting her phone down, said that she would be going to the library to study. Now something you should know about Emily, is that she rarely studies. She gets decent grades, but she rarely studies, and the fact that she would study AT LUNCH?

"Are you sure you're going to the Library and not meeting up with JaSoN?" Said Alyssa.


"Oh come on Em! Spit it out! We know you've been talking to him." I said.

"Okay fine! Fine! Basically a few days ago, me and him ran into each other at a coffee shop and we started talking. He's actually a really good person. Not to mention he's so hot! God I could stare at him for days. So we exchanged numbers and started talking ever since then.

"Hmm... Okay then, since you've told us, you can go find Mr. Lover boy now."

"He's not Mr. Lover Boy!" Emily groans. She got up. "Anyways, I'll go meet up with him now. See ya guys!" and started walking out of the cafeteria, leaving me and Alyssa alone.

A few minutes later I realized that Jackson got up and started walking to our table.

"Uhm Alyssa, Jack is walking over here." I whispered. Alyssa's eyes widened but the time she turned to check if I wasn't lying, he had already been standing there infront of her.

Jackson asked if Alyssa would like to sit with him and his friends, Alyssa happily accepted, leaving me, abandoned at our table.

River's POV

I saw Jack walking back to our table with Alyssa. He had his arm over her shoulder. I looked behind them and saw Maddie sitting there, alone, looking quite upset.

When Alyssa and Jack sat down, I asked Alyssa "Why'd you leave Maddie there?"

"Why do you care? Are you gonna bully her again?" she responded, with her arms crossed. My eyes widened but I immediately gained my composure again and said "why yes, I am". I started walking towards Maddie's table while hearing Alyssa shout "No I was just kidding! Ugh." And Jackson saying "Don't worry babe I'm sure he won't go too hard on her."

Maddie's POV

Much to my dismay, I see River heading towards my table. I groan, putting my head down so I would see him.

Then I felt him poke me.


And again.

And again.

I finally got fed up and shot up and said "The hell is your problem, Hart?" This took him by surprise, but he quickly gained his composure again. "Nothing much, I just liked the view of Maddison Clark sitting all alone. Did your little friends leave you? Hmm?"

"Why yes, they did, and I don't see how it's any of your business"

He chuckles "You see Clark, you, are my business.

Before he continued, the bell rang

Phew! Saved by the bell



Author's note:

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I hope you had fun reading this story as much as I had fun writing it.

I also hope you liked that little POV I made for River. Though it doesn't show much, I may show more about River in his POVs in the future. This is also probably the longest chapter I've written so far.

Anyways, I hope you stay tuned to River and Maddie's story!

Next update: later or tomorrow 

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