3-Fattie Maddie

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My life may seem fine, in fact more than fine, maybe really good. And to be honest, it really was, until a douche named River Hart came in the picture.

He made my life a living hell. He would make fun of me, pull some stupid pranks on me, humiliate me in front of everyone and all that jazz. Though he didn't bully me physically, all the shit he's done made up for it. He's a class A asshole. Remember when I said I was nice to nearly everyone? Well he's the soul reason of why I'm not nice to everyone. I hate him and he hates me. No need for further explanation

This all started back in freshman year. After knowing Emily for a bit and becoming friends, it was all fine. One day, I was just walking down the corridors with Alyssa since it was our free period and Emily had classes at that time. I had accidentally bumped into River and oh boy was this guy sensitive. I apologized of course but he just stared at me, weirdly, may I add.

He stood there for what felt like hours until he finally came back to earth. He shook whatever thought he was thinking of and started to make fun of me for absolutely no reason.

You see, from freshman to junior year, was a bit over weight, and I was pretty insecure about it. Nobody said anything or made fun of me for it and I was really thankful.

Nobody except River Hart.

He made fun of my weight ever since then. I was super insecure about it now that someone started talking about it.

He started calling me 'Fattie Maddie'. I would never let him see me being all sad over it but I always was.

This drove me to make sure to improve. I made sure to exercise almost daily. I made sure to go on diets and all that jazz. I hoped that becoming skinnier would mean he would leave me alone.

I was wrong.

Thankfully I was able to loose 20 pounds over winter break. So when I came back to school I was super excited because I thought River would finally leave me alone, he didn't.

He stared at me, deep in thought. The same stare he gave me during freshman year.

He soon came back to earth and started bullying me, AGAIN. He looked for anything to bully me for. My hair, my eyes, my clothes, anything. I tried so hard to look good so he could just leave me alone but every time I tried it just got worse for some reason

I swear this man's logic is just non-existent.

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