6- Is he on his period or something?

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As I drove home, I saw my dad's car in the driveway, meaning he was home, so I could ask him if I could move into a dorm. I parked my car beside his, got my things and went in the house. I spotted him on the couch as I placed my things down.

"Hi dad" I said.

"Hey kiddo. How was your day today? Did anything big happen? Is that Hart kid still a piece of sh- crap?"

He was one of the main people who knows about what Hart did, and does. I would always vent my feelings about Hart to him, he was the only one who I let my walls down for, so it's safe to say that he hates Hart as much (and maybe even more) than me.

"Well it was good, minus Hart of course. And yea something kinda big happened. They announced that they raised enough money to buy an apartment complex near campus and that'll serve as our dorms for this school year. They gave us a circular to give to our guardian and a card saying our dorm number if ever we're allowed to join." I said

He nodded his head after the information I had given him and I handed him the circular. "Tell me the important stuff after you read it dad. I'll be upstairs in my room. Love you" I said as I kissed his cheek and walked to my room.

When I reached my room, I unpacked my homework and the things needed to do it. Unfortunately, I caught a glimpse of Hart, staring at me.

Oh, did I forget to mention we're neighbors?

They moved here somewhere before freshman year. My dad and I just introduced ourselves to them and gave them apple pie as a welcome gift and we never spoke to the Hart family again. Until freshman year of course, the time the universe decided to turn my life upside down and make him transfer to Dalyson High.

Since my table was facing my window, I unfortunately have a view of him and his room.

It's a normal bedroom with some posters, nothing too much. He's usually smirking at me whenever he sees me, but today wasn't like normal days. He looked...


I've never seen him is way. Yeah sure he would occasionally barge into his room all upset and stuff, but when he looked out into my room, his face would soften. He thinks I don't see his face change, but I do.

And today was really weird, because even when he looked into my room, he was still mad. Even more mad actually. And when he looked into my eyes, he just shut his blinds

Jesus, is this man on his period or something?


After doing most of my homework, I hear a knock on my door. "Hey kiddo, I've read contents of the circular" said my dad. "Basically you'll be moving to your dorms on Wednesday, so tomorrow will be used for packing your things. The rest of the week will be used for you to move in and buy some things you would like to have in your dorm."

"Oh okay thanks dad, but can I go?" I said a bit nervously, since I've been really excited.

"Yes, you can kiddo. I know how excited you've been about dorms. You've always talked about it at dinner, and I think it's time I let my baby girl spread her wings and leave the nest."

I ran to my dad and gave him a big and tight hug. "Thank you so much dad! I love you more than all the puppies in the world"

My dad hugged me back "love you too kiddo"



Authors note:

Ahh, we love a good father daughter relationship.

I wonder what got River mad 🤔

You do too?


Okay I have calmed down now

On a serious note, thanks for waiting for the next chapter!

Make sure to stay tuned to River and Maddie's story.

Word count:657

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