Meeting In The Market

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Prince Link had been cooped up in his room long enough.

He'd received word that the invitations had been sent to the prospective guests and that was the very last thing he wanted to think about.

Lifting his face out of his pillows, he looked over to his bedside table where his favorite musical instrument sat, his blue ocarina.

Groaning, he stood up and picked it up off the table. The mouthpiece was broken, and he'd put off fixing it for a while.

Considering how much he wanted to get the stupid ball out of his mind, a trip to the marketplace to get it repaired sounded like it might do him some good.

And so, he hopped of his bed and slipped the ocarina into a satchel. Before he left the room, he changed into a much more modest set of clothes.


The truth was, Link was often advised not to go into the village. To say his father was a paranoid man would be an understatement.

Maybe it was because of his status that the king worried so much. He'd be in danger if anyone conspicuous recognized him.

He had changed out of his fancier clothes in favor of blending in with the crowd. Special treatment just because he was a royal had never been something he'd particularly enjoyed.

In fact, he took more joy out of being treated like everybody else.

After mounting his horse in the castle stables and riding his way to the village, he arrived. It was about the afternoon and the streets and market stalls were very busy.

He also couldn't help but notice that the tailor's shop was particularly busy. The letters must've begun to arrive, and everyone had to get ready for the big night tonight. At this rate, every gown in every shop would be completely gone.

Link pretended not to see it.

He veered his horse into a corral and made his way into the village square. It didn't take long before he found the stall for musical instruments.

It was run by a benevolent rito wife and husband who had set a wide array of instruments on their table. Everything from ocarinas, flutes, small lyres, and more.

Link surveyed them all with glistening eyes.

The only other person at the stand was a young woman with blonde hair he'd never seen before.

"Ah, your grace—!"

"Mrs. Aveli!" Link interrupted the rito wife before she could accidentally reveal his status to anyone.

"It's so nice to see you today. I just thought I'd bring my ocarina around; it's a little beaten up," he confessed, handing it over for her to examine.

Mrs. Aveli took it in the palms of her wings, looking at every part and crevice.

"Oh dear, it does look a little worn. Not to worry, I'll fix it up in a jiffy!" She chirped, circling around and walking back into the shop.

A small giggle escaped the blonde-haired girl next to Link, and he couldn't help but turn to her.

It didn't take long for a flushed look of embarrassment to appear on her face.

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