Heartfelt Display

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After their waltz had concluded, the rest of the couples on the floor joined them, and Kass began yet another piece.

Despite the fact Link had had fun, he didn't think his feet could take any more of the idle standing around now that he and Zelda had finished their dance.

So, he thought of the next best thing.

"Say, uh, Zelda..." he began, catching her drifting attention.

"Could I... show you something?" He asked, gesturing to one of the doors leading out of the ballroom.

For whatever reason, her heart fluttered beneath her chest.

"Like...what exactly?" She asked, clearly skeptical as to what the prince could possibly want to take time out of his own celebration for.

"I'll uh- show you when we get there," he replied, albeit not very convincingly.

Even this aside, Zelda felt like she could trust him. I mean, what dangerous thing could he be wanting to show her? The dragon they keep locked up in the dungeon?

Nevertheless, the young woman agreed, and she took the hand Link extended out to her.

After snaking around the several guests and dancers, Link led Zelda out the exit.

And of course, the king took notice of this. A wide and pleased smile spread across his face. He turned to Teba and tapped him on the shoulder.

"You know, grand duke, I really did doubt you at first on this whole party thing; but I must say, it looks like it's worked!" He giddily told him, pointing to his son and Zelda as they quickly made their way out of the ballroom.

"Go supervise them," he said, before getting up from his chair.

Teba's eyebrows shot up.

"I'm sorry, what?" He asked, but to no avail. The king was already making his way out of the royal box.

"And when the boy proposes, notify me immediately," he added, before finally leaving.

"Proposes?!" The rito asked again, rather shocked at the notion.

The door shut behind the king, signaling the end of their conversation and Revali couldn't help but chuckle a little, before he too began leaving.

"Good luck," was all he said.


Zelda and the prince walked down the hallways of the castle, stopping every now and then to gaze at the wonderful furnishings and decorations.

They bantered back and forth as they walked, their laughter echoing through the corridors. Thankfully, this made it easier for Teba to follow subtly behind them.

It was a portrait on the wall that caught Zelda's attention, causing her to stop.

The painting depicted the king, a firm hand on the shoulder of his son, who looked oddly miserable.

Zelda giggled at the image, and it caught Link's attention. His face flushed with embarrassment at the fact she'd seen it.

"You look so...tired," Zelda commented, admiring how regal he looked in the picture.

Link laughed awkwardly, shaking his head. "I had probably the worst case of hay fever in my life, and it just had to be the same day my father hired portrait painters."

Zelda giggled again, "Well, at the very least they captured your image beautifully," she said, rather unaware of how she phrased her words.

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