"Izzy, you can't just let go like that we have two routines to choreograph."

"I know."

"We're co captains you didn't consult me. If something is going on, I deserve to know. I don't feel comfortable humiliating one of my dancers because I don't know what's going on with her."

"I understand that, but you're gonna have to talk to Chloe. I can't say anything."

"You can't say anything? What about showing me?"

"You have to promise not to tell. Anyone."

"I won't."

"Emily, this is serious."

"I promise."

"Okay." She shake my hand. "Let's get back to work."

After rehearsal I took Emily on the bus to show her like I promised. "I'm never doing that again." Emily said when we took off the bus.

She's such a princess, who never took the bus? Come on.

"What are we doing here?"

"Can you be a little patience?" I told her.

"Is that Chloe?" She asked, looking at Chloe serving people in the restaurant across the street. "Shush." I made her be quiet.

"What is she doing?" Em asked.

"Working. She has a job. She has to work to pay for dance, Em. That's the secret."

"Okay, let's go. I don't want her to be embarrass seeing us." Em said to me.

It seems like Emily finally figured out what's going on with Chloe, I hope she'll go easy on her now.

"The bus should be here soon." I said to her.

"I'm not going on that thing again, my mom's gonna pick us up."

"You're kidding right?"

"Absolutely not."

Oh I missed how crazy she is.

The next day we were all rehearsing when Kate called Chloe in her office.

I think Chloe still hasn't payed her.

"Izzy look." Emily whispered to me pointing at the office.

Chloe was crying and Kate hugged her. I think she told her the truth.

Chloe walked out of the office, took her stuff and ran out without saying a word. We all looked around confused.

Kate walked out of the studio. "Chloe is no longer in A troupe." She said.

"What?" Everyone asked. "Why?"

"It's a sensitive subject, okay? I don't wanna talk about it any longer. Rehearse."

And once again we're missing a dancer.

"Izzy? Did you know it was this bad?" Emily asked me.

"Kind of." I said.

"What?" Everyone asked confused.

"Chloe has some money trouble, okay?" Emily explained.

"And her parents can't afford to pay for dance so she's been working multiple jobs." I explained.

"How come nobody told us?" West asked.

"She was embarrassed. If you had money trouble would you have tell everyone?"

"Guys, you don't understand her situation. We all have money." Emily said.

"We can't do it without her." Giselle said.

"That's why I have an idea."

Emily's idea was to go to Chloe's restaurant and order food. She went first, to make it less obvious. She was being herself, and when Chloe went in to get her drink we all went next to Emily and sat around the tables.

When Chloe came back out she was so shocked and embarrassed. West ordered something and then Chloe turned to me.

"How could you do this to me? Why would you bring them here?" She asked annoyed.

"I'm just here on a date. Could I get a hot chocolate please?" I asked her.

She took everybody's order but she looked so upset.

We didn't even have to finish the drinks. We got up one by one and left her 50 dollar tip on the table.

The next day Chloe came to rehearsal and we all hugged her and then we practiced the routine.

We're back in the game baby!

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