2.) Play the Game

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"Y-you're a human?" The head witch asks.

"Born and raised." I shrug.

The floor of my cell is cold and hard but I still lay down with my knees up and arms behind my head. I cross one leg over the other and tap my foot as big shot Lilith Clawthorne is here to interrogate me. A lot has happened since last week. I came up with the genius plan to get arrested by the Emperor's coven and now they ask me the same boring questions every day.

"This is boring. When do I get to have a one-on-one talk with Belos?" I sigh.

"There will be no one-on-one talk." She grumbles.

"How many more scouts do I have to convince to quit before you let me talk to the Emperor? Technically, I did nothing wrong. I just stepped in grass that said 'do not step on grass' but that could happen to anyone."

"The rest of the scouts are loyal and would do no such thing. We value loyalty in the coven." She crosses her arms.

"My dude, me too! I love loyalty. But you aren't very popular with the scouts so I highly doubt that." I say confidently.

"Really? I don't care. Who-"

"Sent me? No one. How did I get here? A door. What do I want? To talk to the Emperor." I finish her sentence.

"You are insufferable!" Lilith shouts.

"Oh, Lilith!" Kikimora calls from the doorway.

"I'm very busy, Kiki." Lilith clenches her teeth.

"The Emperor desires a word with the...prisoner," Kiki says and I happily sit up.

"Woohoo! I knew I could do it." I sigh with a big smile on my face.

"Fine, but be on your best behavior. I shall escort you to the throne room."

"Let's rock and roll, Lily." I pull out my finger guns and wink at her.

"Don't call me Lily." She groans while unlocking my cell.

"Don't worry, Lils. The Emperor will find me charming, unthreatening, and totally sweet." I assure her as she leads the way out of the room.

"Good because you could die if you say the wrong things." She tries to scare me.

"I don't look before I cross the street, I've been ready for years, babe." I smile smugly.

"Can you turn off the cool-kid persona for two seconds?" She asks.

"No. It's part of my character development, leave me alone."

"Shush, we're almost here."

"Lean on me when you're not strong!" I sing loudly before she covers my mouth.

"Quiet, we're here now."

Two scouts pull open the door to reveal the elegant throne room. The Emperor sits calmly on the main throne but I'm unable to see his face. That's already a terrible sign but I try to ignore it as we step closer to him. It feels like he's staring into my soul as we finally stand in front of him. Lilith bows and I awkwardly follow.

"We are at your service, Emperor Belos," Lilith speaks up.

"Human, please step forward." He asks and I take a big step forward. I try to avoid tripping over my own feet like usual.

"Hey." I wave with a big smile and I can practically feel Lilith pass out behind me.

"Hello...little person." He says awkwardly.

Something to Prove (Golden Guard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now