Chapter 20 ~ To Mend What Was Once Lost

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When the riders got back to the Edge Hiccup shut himself away. He was having a difficult time getting over what happened after the celebration. He would barely eat or even talk to the others and it was a struggle to get him to sleep.

It was two weeks after they got back home that Stoick came to see them.

I opened the door to Hiccup and I's hut when I heard someone knock urgently.

"Oh! Hello chief. I didn't know you were coming to visit. Is something wrong?" I asked when I took notice of the look upon the man's face, which was filled with worry.

"I heard what has been going on from the others. May I speak with him?" Stoick asked, genuinely worried about Hiccup.

I smiled sadly and nodded. "Of course. He's up in the loft area." I said as I moved out of the way for him.

"Thank you lass." He thanked and made his way up to the loft.

I smiled softly and left the hut.

'Good luck Stoick.'


Stoick knocked on the wall gently once he reached the loft to let Hiccup know he was there. The boy was curled in on himself in the corner of his and Kala's shared bed, holding his legs close to his body and hiding his face between them and his chest. Stoick's heart shattered at the sight.

"Oh Hiccup..." He said as he made his way to the bed and sat down in front of his son.

Hiccup peaked at him then hid his face once more. "Go away..."

"I think I'll stay. It's never good to go through pain and sorrow alone Hiccup." Stoick said.

Hiccup looked up at him with a sad glare. "Why are you even here Stoick..? I'm a monster...I'm better off locked up so that I don't kill someone..." He said then looked away with his head resting on his knees, tears threatening to fall from his already red eyes.

"Now you listen here and listen good Hiccup Haddock. You are not in any way a monster. You were provoked by that Hofferson girl. You are one to protect and heal others, not harm and wound them. The only monster that was there was the lass." Stoick stated, very determined to get his son out of the depressive state he was in.

"Even so...who's to say my instincts take over and I lose control for no reason..? Face it Stoick...I'm not safe to be around..." Hiccup shot back.

"Oh really? Seems safe to me." Stoick chuckled. "I don't see any feral dragons here at all. Just one boy that is being hard on himself." He said with a smile.

Hiccup looked at him then looked away again, struggling with himself to not fall apart and cling onto his father like he always would when he was little. "I..." Hiccup tried, but he was at a loss for words, trying his best to not let any tears slip.

How could this man be here trying to comfort him after everything Hiccup has done? After how Hiccup just accepted being disowned even though Stoick has proven that he is trying to be the father he has needed? How is he still trying to be there for him even though he has pushed him away over and over and over again?

"Ya know. The first time I saw you interacting with Hookfang I could see in your eyes that you were becoming who you were meant to be. I was terrified to admit it to myself honestly. You are just like your mother and I didn't know how to handle that." Stoick laughed a bit. "I didn't know how to get over my own pride and my vision of the son I wanted. But seeing how you've thrived these last few years, I couldn't be prouder."

That was all that was needed to break the dam. Hiccup broke down and clung onto Stoick as if his life depended on it, just like when he was little. His body was shaking from how hard he was crying. It was as though the boy had reverted back into a five year old who had just rushed home after being bullied by his older cousin. Stoick jumped a bit out of surprise, not expecting Hiccup to cling onto him so suddenly, but he smiled and held him close, rubbing his back to help calm him down.

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