Chapter 14 ~ Of Mates and Vengeful Ones (Part 1)

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Hey my li'l embers! Just a heads up, there is smut in this chapter! I also wanna give a shout out to my bestie who helped me with it, Insomniac_with_dreams!! She's an amazing writer and you can find her on Archive of Our Own!! Also this chapter is pretty lengthy in honor of her help!!

Onto the story!!


After Astrid had left, things on the Edge were interesting and all over the place at times. In that time we never once went back to Berk. There wasn't really a need to after what had gone down.

Hiccup and I wrote a letter to Stoick explaining everything that had happened and that none of us would be coming to visit anytime soon. I was still getting over the flashbacks and nightmares. Hiccup was having nightmares about it too, plus he was still getting over the anger he felt. The others were just trying to get over their seething anger.

In that time we had visits from Stoick and Gobber to check up on us and catch us up on what was going down in Berk. Stoick was even able to bond with a Rumblehorn he named Skullcrusher. After Thornado had been set free, we were worried he would never bond with another dragon again.

We were able to stop Dagur and get him down the path of good. Speaking of Dagur, we found out that he and our friend Heather are brother and sister. They were reunited and helped us against the dragon hunter leaders Viggo and Ryker Grimborn. The two of them went undercover to help us know what they were planning and tried to help us against them in any way they could. Dagur even became a dragon rider, taming a green Gronckle he named Shattermaster.

As for the Grimborn brothers, we are in a constant battle about the Dragon Eye. We found out that the Dragon Eye was something the Grimborn family used to hunt down dragons, but we still don't know the origin of it.

We recently gained some allies from an island that inhabits a tribe that goes by the name Defenders of the Wing. Snotlout gained a crush on their queen Mala. We were able to help them when Viggo tried to steal the Eruptodon that protected the island that the Defenders of the Wing resided on, which led to Queen Mala deciding to help us against the Grimborn brothers.

Besides all the battles and trouble we have gone through, we have all been thriving on the Edge. The twins are as goofy and mischievous as ever and we had a very eventful time when their cousin Gruffnut visited the Edge. Tuffnut has even adopted a chicken as a pet, naming her Chicken of all things.

Snotlout is the same as ever. Not much can change the arrogance that makes Snotlout Jorgenson. At one point he thought he would lose Hookfang forever to another Monstrous Nightmare that had laid eggs in a cave on the Edge. But the truth of the matter was that Hookfang was helping to protect the eggs from a larger Monstrous Nightmare that was quite rude.

Fishlegs has been over the moon about all the new species of dragons that we have discovered. He has become more confident in himself as well. At one point he thought he was allergic to Meatlug and went on this wild adventure to figure out why he was and went through this whole mess of personality changes because of Snotlout being Snotlout. In the end we found out it was just the saddle oil that Gobber had brought us on one of his visits.

As for Hiccup and I, well we've been getting better at our leadership skills. We still haven't mated, but that's okay. A lot has been going on and it just hasn't been the right time.

The two of us were able to invent new swords that the two of us use. We call them Inferno. Hiccup got the inspiration from me and our fellow dragons to have a blade that can burst into flames by lighting Nightmare gel with a spark and they hold Zippleback gas on the other end of the sword to ignite if the need ever arose.

Hiccup uses his Inferno more than I do, but that's only because I am in dragon form most of the time we are in battles against our enemies.

I'd say our lives on Dragon's Edge have been amazing.

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