Chapter 11 ~ Beyond What We Know (Part 2)

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"Idea! What if we made an outpost here? This place could be our base!" Snotlout suggested enthusiastically.

"Hiccup and I-" I started, but was rudely cut off by Astrid.

"It would need to be functional and operational. There is no way in the Nine Worlds we are going to have a chaotic base."

"Uh, guys? Could you let-" Hiccup tried, but was also cut off by Fishlegs.

"While I agree with Astrid, we also need a place for rest, relaxation, and replenishing after a hard day's work."

"Guys would you just-" Both Hiccup and I tried simultaneously, but were yet again cut off by the twins.

"Okay hear us out." Ruffnut started.

"Boar pit." Tuffnut finished with a triumphant smirk, his other half matching with her own.


Everyone looked towards Hiccup and I, going completely silent.

"Thank you." I said.

"Like we were trying to say before all of you butted in with ideas. Kala and I were already planning out how we would build a home here." Hiccup explained.

"Since we didn't think you guys would rush after us, we didn't consider making an outpost. But we could add onto our idea that way everyone is happy." I continued.

"Enlighten us then Ms. Stealer of Men." Astrid retorted with her arms crossed as she glared at me.

I glared right back at her and restrained myself from growling. "Well, Hiccup and I were gonna build our hut high up so that way it would be easier to keep an eye out for enemies. We were also gonna make stables for dragons in case anyone came to visit us or something."

"We also planned on building a dragon training area. From that we could add on all of your ideas and connect all the huts by bridges, ziplines, and gangplanks. You can have them wherever you guys see fit. We can add a clubhouse in the center for planning and just hanging out as a group." Hiccup added.

"Sweet! Can I have my hut be S-shaped?" Snotlout asked.

", but you can go S-crazy with decorations." Hiccup decided.

"Awesome." Snotlout said with a smirk, arms crossed.

"And before you two ask, yes you can have a boar pit under your hut. Just make sure to lock them up after you're done with them, alright?" I stated as I looked directly at the twins.

The twins smiled and hugged me tightly. "Thank you!"

I smiled slightly and pushed them off. "Yeah, yeah."

"Could we add in lookout towers Hiccup?" Astrid asked, pushing me away rather harshly from him and sending me to the ground.

This earned growls from Hiccup and I, but they both went unnoticed.

"Sure, why not?" He monotonously answered as he came back to my side, clearly not happy with how harsh Astrid pushed me as he helped me up.

"So where on this island would we build it all?" Fishlegs questioned and Hiccup and I looked at one another in thought.

"Well there's that cliff formation that's on the eastern side of the island that could work." I reasoned as I thought back to the view we got when Hiccup and I chose this place as our new home.

"I agree. It faces the uncharted areas and would be easy to defend." Hiccup added, neither of us aware that chaos was about to commence.


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