"I promise, Mom. I may not be able to tell you anything about being a guardian, but I swear I'll protect you - so I won't lose anyone else again."


In the Dead Moon Circus, Tiger's Eye, Fish' Eye, and Hawk's Eye were over at the bar deciding their next victim to search for Pegasus.

"Tiger's Eye, that's the fifth time you've failed and struck out with women, " said Fish's Eye. "And after all the trouble you went through with the last one."

"Don't remind me," Tiger's Eye huffed as he took a big swig from his cup. "Besides, it was Hawk's Eye's stupid idea to try and use that cage!"

"All right, all right. I made an error in judgment, and I apologize," said Hawk's Eye. "But now we know we can't capture Pegasus so easily, and it'll take much more than just a special cage to catch him."

He then looked through the photos dancing his fingers on them. Then, his fingers stopped on one of Ikuko walking home from a shopping trip.

"Ooh! I think this one's got my name written all over it," Hawk's Eye spoke with a grin. "If you make women turn against you, they can be pretty frightening. Deception with gentle words is the best way to go about it."

Tiger's Eye and Fish's Eye got closer to see the photo.

"Seriously? That one, Hawk's Eye?" Tiger's Eye spoke with a questioning raised brow.

"Well, you always did like older women," Fish's Eye smiled teasingly. "After all, you can be a bit of a momma's boy."

"You guys just don't get it," Hawk's Eye sighed wistfully. "Older women who are more understanding can be quite the playthings. Especially when it comes to their maternal instincts." He took a sip from his drink and licked his lips. "And so, let Hawk's Eye, known as the Madam Killer, show you how it's done."

He got up and was about to leave when Tiger's Eye called him.

"Hey, Hawk's Eye. Be careful with that confidence of yours. You won't feel as such once those guardians get in your way."

Hawk's Eye chuckled. "I'm not worried. Besides, I think it's high time I see what these kids are made of. In fact, I'm looking forward to meeting them."


Back at the house, Usagi, Harusuke, and Chibiusa had just gotten home from the cafe.

When they entered the living room, they saw Ikuko sitting on the floor. In front of her was a picture book with photographs scattered around.

"Whatcha doing, Mom?" asked Usagi.

"Are these all family photos?" wondered Chibiusa.

"That's right," replied Ikuko. "I thought I'd organize them a little since it's been a while."

Chibiusa then picked up a photo of a certain ordango blonde as a baby having a muddy face while playing in the sandbox. "This one looks pretty funny!" she laughed. "Who's this?"

Usagi gulped while growing pink with embarrassment. "Well, um, you see - " she stammered.

But Ikuko cut in. "That's Usagi when she was still a baby," she smiled. "Don't you recognize her?"

"Not with all that dirt on her!" laughed Chibiusa.

Usagi scowled. "Hey, watch it, kid!" she grumped.

Chibiusa then picked up another photo. This time it was the same ordango blonde, but she looked around five or six years old, wore a bunny outfit, and stood on stage with a few other costumed kids. "What about this one?" she inquired.

A Sailor Moon Fanfiction: The Pledge of the Sun.Where stories live. Discover now