The Chosen one

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POV switched to Annabeth. 

"So his name is Voldem-"

"DON'T SAY HIS NAME!" Chiron interrupts Percy.

Percy puts his hands up in surrender and mouths 'run' at me. He may be so ridiculously stupid and never seems to know when it's the right time and place to make jokes like that, but that's surprisingly what I love about him. 

"Okay okay, no name saying gots it... So we have to stop some big old bad guy who's attacking a... a school? Why is he attacking a school? Did they like fail him or something and he's all like mad that he got an F on some report? Like I mean I could get doing that but-"

Nico just slaps his face with the palm of his hand and lets out a very frustrated sigh, sometimes that's all you can do when explaining something to Percy. 

"So you want us to go over to this school of sorts and what, join in on the war?" Piper asked, interrupting Nico desperately trying to make Percy understand (something I gave up long ago). I had almost forgotten that Piper was here, I hadn't heard her talk during all this, not that I can remember. 

We all turn to Nico to answer, even Chiron. He started to wiggle a little in his seat, clearly uncomfortable with the shift of attention towards him. I don't think he'll ever get used to being in the spotlight, poor kid. 

"Well... uh... not exactly... " we wait for him to continue and for a while, it looks like he won't till he pulls out a piece of paper. Well, not a piece of paper more like a collection of them. On the top of the paper is titled the Daily Prophit.

"When I went back a few days ago they had told me that the war was already over, their chosen one apparently stopped and ended the day."

"Chosen One?" Percy questions. 

"Yeah, a boy named Harry Potter. 

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