#4 Percy + Hecate's gift

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"Okay okay so what does this whole magical universe have to do with us exactly?" I question

Chiron had told us all about this magical community that has been living under our feet this entire time, they had come from Hecate who had blessed humans with magic and thus it has created a whole community of magicians working in their normal society. 

I have a loooot of questions, but right now that was the most important one. 

"Well, as the prophecy says, Hecate's spawn of magic, which would have to be the wizarding world without any doubt. I have not taken the letters to enough precautions." Chiron looked lost in worry, but I had to question him further.

"What letters?

"Back a few years ago I had received a letter with a mysterious symbol on it, that of a crest with four animals in it. Inside it had told me that there was a request for that some sort of bodyguards for a student at a magical school and that he was to be protected at all costs. They wanted me to send over demigods to keep him safe. I had been cautious at the time and had not done anything about it. About a little less than a year ago I had received another letter signed by the same person, telling me that they were about to go to war and that they needed all the help that they could get."

We nod and wait patiently for him to continue. I wonder what it was that they needed help for.

"I was worried it might be a trap so I was not going to send anyone in... but..."

"Let me guess, Nico found the letter and wanted to help out so he bothered you till he got in the way and got to go," Will smirks at the little death boy, with a knowing look in his eyes.

"Oh well for your information they were in trouble, so It's not like I did anything wrong."

Will just smiles at him, honestly, their friendship is so cute, wish I had something like that. Honestly, It makes me smile. 

"yes, apparently they had some sort of war going on over at there. Took place in a school called Hogwarts school of magic, which, for the school year, is where the rest of you are all going to."

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