#1 Percy + the prophecy

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After returning from camp you'd have thought that everything would go back to as normal as it all could for a half-blood living at a giant camp with monsters and other demigods in it, but noooo. There had to be another prophecy spouted out while we were still celebrating our long deserved victory. 

I'm so sick of all the time every time that we try to win the war, it all seems to have been nothing more then a mini boss fight for what we have to do next. Fighting Kronos seemed like the hardest thing in the world back then, but after Gea, I think that I would have rather taken on 10 of him instead. And here we go, fresh after celebrating from one victory to having to suffer through another one. 

Nobody really wanted to listen to what possessed Rachel had to say (witch wasn't her fault as I had said she was possessed, her spirit of Delphi and all that sh*t). But we had to. During our camp fire celebration of our Victory, (and after everyone had gotten their turn to punch Leo till he couldn't move no more) we had been singing some cheesy songs when Rachel had come over and started her whole prophecy thing. I had sat there terrified, not because she was glowing and there was like green smoke coming out of her (you get used to it trust me) But because we weren't done. We were never done. 

Find the chosen soul

Stop the monsters evil goal

Find Hectes spawn of magic

Before things get to tragic

The only way to make things right

Is to work together in this fight

none of us really knew what that meant or what to do with that prophecy. I mean we rarely ever did, that's how prophecies go, but we weren't so eager to figure this one out, especially with summer coming to an end. Our only hope is that the prophecy didn't want us to act to quickly, because for once in my life I would like a good old break from monsters. Though from Chiron's face that's rather unlikely. 

The castle of the demigods (PJO+HP crossover)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz