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I feel fucking sick.

I feel fucking sick about the fact that those bastards got their hands on my favourite girl.

Sick about the fact that they tried to take fucking advantage of her. Four of those guys against my girl, fucking madness if you ask me.

I've been tracking them down all fucking night and I've finally found them.

I send a few of the guys down to get them and put them in the basement, I cannot wait to torture and kill those bastards, I know Seth and Enzo would too.

I'm so fucking worried about her and how she feels. She shouldn't have to experience this, no one should, but especially not Amara.

Enzo is making her favourite breakfast, pancakes with strawberries and raspberries, with a lot of maple syrup.

We have no idea what to do and how to make her feel better in some way.

I know she won't feel good immediately. My sister has been through this, she didn't go outside for a month and barely ate.

I hope that doesn't happen to Amara.

I though Aeron would go absolutely ballistic, but he wasn't that bad.

I saw the twinkle in his eye though, the twinkle in his eye he always had when he cares.

Xerxes has probably been crying all night, knowing something like that happened to his new best friend, they've been getting along amazing.

Something which is surprising to me, is Valerius being even more quiet than usual, not even letting out a scoff.

I know he feel guilty for what happened to her, as he fucking should.

We all know she wanted to leave for a long time but we wouldn't let her.

But something that Valerius did or said mist have really hurt her and pissed her off which just made her leave.

She hasn't woken up yet, but Enzo and I are about to go up to give her breakfast, as I want to read her favorite pages from one of her favorite books.

All light we cannot see.

I am to believe that it is a very sappy romance novel, but she loves sappy romance novels and I'm willing to read this for her.

We walk up to her room as I knock on the door, not hearing an answer as we assume she's asleep while we open the door slowly, facing her laying in the bed.

"Amara, wake up." Enzo says, putting the plate on her nightstand as he sits on her bed, wiping the small hairs out of her face as she slowly awakens.

"Good morning." She softly says, turning to her side as she looks at the both of us.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her, not sure what else to say. She looks away for a second before looking back at me again.

"Very tired, did you make this for me?" She answers before looking at Enzo, signing at the pancakes standing next to her.

Maybe she doesn't want to talk about it yet.

"I did." Enzo answers as Amara sits up in the bed while he takes the plate to place it in her lap. "Here." He says.

"Thank you." She smiles at us.

"I brought All light we cannot see. Do you want me to read it for you?" I ask her as her eyes lit up. The things she gets excited about.

"Yes please!" She exclaims, her mouth stuffed with pancakes.

"I'll talk to you later." Enzo says to me, patting my back before standing up and leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

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