Later we performed the new routine to Chris and Kate. Then when the time was right, Giselle and Daniel broke out of the original spacing to do the lift.

The next thing I know, Daniel is on the floor screaming with pain holding his ankle.

I don't know if he broke his foot. I don't know what we're gonna do.

Kate and Chris rushed Daniel to the hospital. We all stayed in studio a waiting for them to come back and tell us what's happening.

Chloe pulled me aside. "I hate to leave at a time like this, but I have a shift and I have to go." She said quietly.

"Don't worry about it. I'll cover for you."

"Thanks, can you text me and let me know what's happening?"

"Yeah. No problem."

"Thank you." Chloe grabbed her stuff and left the studio.

"How can she go at a time like this? Why she always leave?" Steph asked.

"She has to go somewhere. Don't worry about it. It's no one else's business." Everyone went quiet and I turned to look at Chris and Kate. James stood next to me.

"Daniel's injury is serious. It's a grade 3 ankle sprain." Kate said. I felt James' hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me.

"How long is he out for?" Giselle asked.

"The doctors are still running tests, but he's definitely out of regionals." I let out a breath in order to stop the tears.

I feel horrible for what I did to Daniel. I took it too far.

Stephanie walked over to me. "This is all your fault. Are you happy now? Because if you would just listen to Kate and Chris and not let them do the lift this wouldn't have happen. You're the dance captain." She yelled at me.

And I agreed with her. I didn't reply.

"This is not Isabel's fault." Giselle said, defending me.

"Yeah, Giselle and Daniel said they could do the lift." Riley said.

"Well, Daniel clearly couldn't do the lift so Isabel shouldn't have let them do it." West said.

"Guys I don't think it's fair to blame Daniel in this." Michelle said.

"No, no, that's definitely Daniel's responsibility. He knew his ankle was hurt, he should have said no to the lift." James said and we all got confused.

"You knew he was injured and didn't tell us?" Michelle asked.

"You didn't tell me?" I asked him.

"He should have known his limits as a dancer, that's the first rule in dance." He said.

"Regardless, Izzy, you're the dance captain and that's your job. It's your job to know what's going on with everyone." Stephanie said to me.

"Guys! This is not Isabel's fault." Eldon defended me.

"Dude, why are you defending Isabel?" West asked him.

"Because Daniel should have known his limits."

"Guys, I'm really sorry. It's all my fault." I said quietly.

"It's no one's fault." James said.

"It is her fault." Steph said.

"It's not her fault." Riley defended me and they all got into a big argument that I just couldn't listen to.

"Enough!" Kate yelled. "Everyone has to stop blaming everyone else. It was an accident. It puts us in a tough position, but stop throwing the blame around."

I turned around and left the studio with my bag. "Iz!" I heard James calling me. "Izzy stop!"

"No James. Steph is right. It was my fault. I shouldn't have pushed him." I said with tears.

"It's not your fault. You couldn't have known, okay? It wasn't your fault." I looked up at him. "Come here." He pulled me in for a hug and I sobbed into his chest.

It was my fault. I shouldn't have done that. I am the dance captain, and I messed up.

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