Chapter 9- naru and mai part one

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Me-Hi hi it's me nice to talk to you guys mine viewers and fans sorry it has been a long time I'm going through a really tough today is mine friend died today 6 years ago I know long time why forget but I didn't so I don't own any anime bye for now!!!

" naru where r u?" I said looking around by his desk 'creek clip' * oh on I think the door just got locked* I turned around to find naru back on the door and he.was.shirtless! *~ don't do anything I wouldn't do tiger~* ' want wouldn't u do rav'*~ um jump of a cliff into a small pool~*' wow okay bye'*~bye~* " Mai can I have mine tea?" Naru said getting closer and I was turning beet red " y-yah hhheerree nnaarruu." I said shuddering and gave him his team he drank it then smirk 'oh no'


Wow that was great tea now time to make mine move ' bro be careful okay don't do what I wouldn't do' and what wouldn't u do? 'Um jump off a cliff into a small pool' oh okay bye 'bye'" Mai is there something wrong?" I said walking towards Mai pinning her to the wall with both mine hands"no" Mai said with her face as red as a beet" u sure because' starts u butting shirt' I can help u if u ask' finishing unbuttoning shirt now throwing it on his chair' me to help." I said with a sexy voice" um naru what are u doing?" Mai said " but' wraps arms around neck' I don't mine if we can go to your room do you?" Mai said in a sexual way I pick her up making her legs to wrap around mine wast " let's go there then." I said turning off the lights. ' man I'm so glad that I pick mine own room and the farthest from the rest of the group and people in the house'

In naru room

Now one but me( mine turn now!!!)

Naru close the door without letting Mai go and start kissing her full force causing them to fall on the bed then Mai starts taking off naru's pants.

Sorry ending it here (p.s I don't mean this to be mean but) so suffer till the next chapter hahahaha

also i have to stop till i get mine ipad back so hold on okay bye!!

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