Chapter two (day 3-4)

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(Mia p.o.v) ( 7:50 p.m)
After a good night rest I check to see what happen but Naro still
quite as usual and won't tell me nothing

"ugggg this is annoying why didn't Naro tell me what is
happening here and why doesn't Naro
tell what is wrong when I or Len can help!"
I told Masco.Masco said
" well he stubborn but he does have a good head on
his shoulder and he dose have a
lot of that power in him.
I wonder why didn't he tell us
that he had all that power.

(It was now 8:30. Just to let you guys know)
"well he was probly scared of what we
think don't u think that too Mia."
Monk came up behind us and I though that
I was about to pee myself. " monk!
Don't scared people like that please."
"sorry Mia anyways well do u
think he scare of us what will we think of him.

" Monk said
"I agree on that but I don't think of him as a scary person just a cool person and what do u
guys think he's weird?"
Both of them didn't reply but
after a couple
of mins. Monk said that I should
be carful
and left with Masco.

And now I'm alone on
the fourth day
( it was now 8:30 after every thing happen in the hallway)
here and now what do I do now?
Just as I was about to
leave I was grab
by a ghost hand!

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