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me"hai hai back from swiming!!!!! :( its hurts mine legs!!!! anywho where doing what the gang did during ma's time pregers!!!!!!!!

diva:she dont own any anime- wait they know this so you know what to do so on with the story!


"so mai not here?"i ask naru"yes monk now back to wrk"naru said in the base"where are we aucally?"john ask"i think a beach hotel"i said"yep"len said"okay lets go "naru said heading to the room"why are there people here?"i ask aycko"well the manger said to do this while people are here so were guest and workers for him"aycko said"ah okay"i said (me: oh just to tell you mai ino and sakuraa are there :P lav:hey!! im doing this!! me:sorry!)

lokking around

after settingup base and mai checking in with ino and sakura

"where to now boss!"john said"dinner there a dinner for all the guest here its like a buffe"len said"yah!"i said"humph"mascko said going into her room"whats wrong with masco?"john ask aycko"dunno she never like this?"aycko said"im going to check up on her"john said going into her room"i think i see love"i said to aycko"yep me too"aycko said


"mascko you okay?"i ask her"no im not john"she said crying"hey*sits on bed*whats wrong?"i ask her"nothing nothing at all"she said crying on mine shulder"oh mascko"i said huggingher and i felt her stiff then settle"mascko?"i ask her"yah"she muffle"um may or can i kissyou"i said the last part qutckly"hun what you ask?"mascko said "sorry"she said for mine shurt"its okay and may i or can i kissyou"i did it again"um"she said shock"you dont have to*yes*if whait what?"i said lokking at her"yes you can john"mascko said"oh um *kiss mascko*"and i held on her so nice but tight and the kiss was passnet"*nreack kiss*so"mascko said"so?"i said"wanna um go out?"mascko said turning away"sure love you mascko"i said hugging her"but you*i qiut*you did why?"mascko said"i did it for you"i said"oh thats sweet"she said"comeon now whats wrong?"i ask her"nothing now i was so lone that all"she said culling by me"comeon lets go"i said sitting up and handin mine hand out"okay john thank you"she said holding me"of course"i said coming out with her"um give me a sec mas mas okay?"i said to her"okay john"mas mas said going by monk and aycko

by mai and john

"mai?"i ask her seeing if that was her"hun?john?why you here vaction too?"she ask"no case why you here?"i ask her sitting down"vaction like i said and if you want dont tell them but i can help with dreams andwork but im with ino and sakura so were in this by ourseft just us two in for it?"mai said"yah im in"i said"and i saw you and mascko holding hands dating?"mai said"yah*rubbs head*we just now together"i said"ahh well see you at the dinner buffey okay talk to me outside when you need somthing and*gives room number*i in here so come here at 4 so i can give you info"mai said standing up"okay and thanks mai"i said"no problem i like working plus i can do what i can without naru telling me what to do"mai said"are you prenegre?"i ask her"*stops*why makes you say that?"mai said"i knew it your tummy is bigger"i pointed out"yah im am twins"mai told me"ahh okay see you soon" said"okay"mai said runnning the opistied of meruning to mas mas

at dinner

"so what you want?"i ask her holding her"awwwwwww"aycko and monk said"hehe dont know"she said"monk "naru said"yah?"he said"did you put carmas in every room i told you?"nar said*hope none in mai's room*i thought"whats wrong?"mas mas said"nothing"i said kissing her"one in the room abouved us here and three romms one in 407 411 and 404"monk said*good none in 502*i thought"what about 502?"len said"not nouth plus someone has that room three girls "monk said"okay did yo get the names?"naru said"no they couldnt the people in there requleted for it to be unnamed till they leaved"monk said"mas mas a'll be right back"i told her"okay mine bear see you"mas mas said

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