Chapter seven (day five moring)

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Athur : hi readers! Soul still helping me and also raven ( the photo up top ⬆️) take it away guys!

Soul: do I really have to? But I'm so tired ??? Raven can u do it I'm going back to bed. ( walks out of room)

Raven: sure soul. So jennie don't own ( I wish I did?!?!?!?) ghost hunt and hope you like the book and the story!

Soul: (walks in) please comment to help her on the other chapters bye!

(Naro p.o.v)

" so umm where do I start?" Mai giggle a little with unsurting in the giggle. My mind' I wonder what
she been hiding? And why did we not know anything about this I thought I ask len to do a background
check on her?' I look at Len and he had a ' Hun?' Look on him 'I wonder what he thinking right now?'
" how about you can tell us what you want to tell us okay Mai" " yah Mai and if you want we can do
this when we're don't with the case or-" " NO!!!! WE NEED TO DO THIS BEFORE THE CASE IS DONE!!!!" Mai scream. Man I wonder why she won't tell out of the case is it because of the house or- I was intruded
in my thought by Mai. "
yes Naro and len it is because of the house. And sorry for yelling I need ......" ' wait how did she
new what I thought and Len thought and I guess that we were thinking the same and why she stop all of the sudden?'
" hey Mai is everything alright?" From monk but Mai didn't answer.

(Monk p.o.v (it's is 1:05 right now In the book)

" hey Mai are you are you okay is everything alright?" No answer from Mai.
" John what's wrong with-" " barer!!!! Atavete!" Mai scream after a min or two.
We all fell down except Mai who was glowing with two or three ghost around her body making a barer she said the the ghost disappear and a man who was wearing black cloth on him. " ROUGE!!!!" Mai said. ' who is this dude and how do Mai know him and there is a cat behinds him wearing a frog costume on him/her?

(Everyone p.o.v expect Mai and rouge )

"What!!! And who r u !!!!!" We all said and Mai sweat drop.

(Rouge p.o.v)

I was about to sneak o up on her an sprise her but her clout me and all of her new friends are loud.
" yo Mai. How you been and your friend are loud but not as loud as nas-" Mai grasp me by the neck before I could finish
" don't." With a dark ara around her body is started to sneak from her.
" go-got it !" Mai put me down and got me a snack and drink and apologize for almost choking me to death.
" I'm so sorry rouge! I just didn't want to hear that name right now and why ar enough here? Your not suppose to be hear till I call you." She mumble the last part so no would hear but me signed I'm a dragon slayer.
" well I came early and wanted to sprise you but it didn't work 'sigh' anyways what did you needed me for and fro is here too since he wanted to say hi to you." Frosh" Mai-San! I miss you were have you been everyone miss you !" Mai giggle Mai I miss hearing that giggle." I miss you too and I'm been at work for a whale okay and when we all leave al bye you fish okay?" Frosh smile at Mai and hugged her and for some resume sat on the guy with a poker face on.
" fro don't sit on Naro head!"( Naro: um why me that frosh sat on the head Jen-San Arthur: well I could thing of. Anything that sorry Naro: it's okay)

(Mai p.o.v 1:20 a.m right now)

" fro don't sit on Naro head!" I said and then look at rouge and hugged him 'I think that I'm blushing
and I think he is too' I let go of him and I was right
his face was red as a pepper.'time to tease him'
" why you bushing rouge?" I tease him. " i-I'm not blushing." Trying
to hid it I just couldn't hold it I just started to laugh.
" Mai why are enough laughing at this guy?" 'Oh yah I forgot
to to the introductions silly me!'I stop laughing and got up from
the floor and clear my neck." Right I almost for got thanks monk. Well guys this
is frosh and rouge he from my past and rogue
and frosh these are my coworker and also my friends I made when I left
." Rogue gust give them a gear and sat down and fell asleep but I know he faking it. " um
Mai he fell asleep and hi little guy?" Isco and Masco said. " oh he not asleep
he just want to talk to Mai-San " fro said still sitting on Naro head then went to
John head and sat on his head. "
um Mai? Dose this cat sit on people head all the time?" John freaking
out about fro whale monk and Len try to calm him saying it's going to be okay
or he will do on someone head soon. " yah he always do that to new friends of
mine and il wake up rouge so that he can help
us with the case." " I'm not doing it Mai." Rouge Said whale
sitting on the chair with his eyes open. " but I found
Lilly the person we been looking for and you said you help me if I found
my little sister?" I cross my arms not noticing that the gang is watching."
Well why didn't you said that earlier and why me for one why not sing
or nas-um I mean someone else?" He almost said nastue. I dint want to see
or hear his name right now." Because you know sting will complain and you only
one that knew that I had a sister." I
sated and he nodded in agreement. " you liiiiiiiiiike each other " frosh said
flying around or head."
Come back her cat." I said trying to get the green cat in the suit. " um Naro right do guys know where
is Lilly and frosh please don't say that you sound like happy." Rouge said and I stop
and pointed to the screen where we say Lilly.rogue nodded and disappear
into a showdown and late to get Lilly. " um Mai where did he go?"
They said in all together. I giggle and
point to the screen. " he getting Lilly
and then once he get Lilly I need you guys to leave the house okay so we need to pack up
not before the equipment
get damage from me and rouge." i said with a serious look on my face. They all nodded but
worry what will happen after they get my sister out of the house.
for a couple of minutes
were silent then Isco spoke to break the silent. " so Mai what are
you going to do when
we all leave with you little sister?" All nodded in agreement
I sigh." Well I'm going to get rid of the people hear and they aren't sprites by the way there people so-" I cut rouge comes in with a little girl I his hands.
"LILLY!!!!!" I said and I stop from hugging her because she was asleep in rouge arms. I pick her up from rouge arms." Um Mai is that Lilly your
sister if that is she looks
so younger then you. How old is her?" Monk ask with a confused look. " yes this is Lilly and she is 10 right now and ca you
carry her monk? " I ask
he nodded right before I gave Lilly to monk Len grasp Lilly and walk out of the house
without anything to say to us. " um okay.......
Anyways you guys need to leave now or you get hurt and I'm not going to
let that happen to you." I said but Naro
said" I aren't leaving this house till
you come out with us too." He just stood there
whale everyone left leaving me,
rouge, frosh( no I didn't forget
him),and Naro in front
of the door for the outside
. " Naro right well Mai don't want you to get hurt in this fight so if
you still wanted
to stay here then I have to use force to get you out of the house." Rouge said
with a Little bit of anger in his voice." Enough!
No fighting and Naro can u wait outside for a min we will be
out but don't
get near the door or you get hurt got is Naro?
And rouge no
force of any of my friends got it?" Rouge gulp
and Naro nodded and went out said and waited for me
and rouge. " COME OUT NOW!" Rouge scream and then we saw what we didn't want to see it was
(Almost there)
" raven!!!" Both of us shouted.
" ra-raven is that u-u r-right t-there it n-not my mi-mind tricking m-me?" I started to cry but I try to hold my tears back.
" yah it's me sister. Please help me." I saw that there where chains on his hands and feet.'who would do this to me and my siblings! I thought they were dead not there alive in the house I lived in!'" Don't worry we get you out! Rouge!" I scream and rogue was already there getting the last chain off and running out of the billing and I followed and then remembered that Naro was by the door so I stop turn around and went towards Naro. " hey Mai who was that rouge was carrying-hey what are you doing?!?!" I pick him up and ran with him in my hands
. " guys!!! Time to leave now!!!" I scream so that len can hear me when len was driving
the van he open the door for me,Naro,raven
,and rouge. Me and rouge drop Naro and raven in the van
and about to stop running when." Sissy don't
do it you know there to strong for you and Ron-San!!!" Lilly scream
at us I cry and went by rouge and know him out and threw him in the van."
Don't worry Lilly and raven il be back soon lesion to ether Naro, Masco,len,John,rouge,or len okay see you soon bye." I said whale crying then I stop running. ( nooooooo!!! What is going to happen to Mai!!!!!

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