john love and mai past

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me: hey i know this is diffrent and the last event cunfused you and sorry for that but now that i'm righting this to waht happen and yes i will do an nice but diffrent chapter about

me: hey i know this is diffrent and the last event cunfused you and sorry for that but now that i'm righting this to waht happen and yes i will do an nice but diffrent chapter about mai and shino's date okay happy so that you dont have to think it

*even know they do it again :/* okay now katie and brianna can u help?

brianna: sure and i will be in the case before mai gets raped okay now jennie-chan dont own anything \

katie:and hope u like the book and the other book

monk: ah ha found you!

me: monk*dark ora*

monk:sorry but do on what it was like for the team and i wont tell anyone about this place!!!*runs for life*

me: well yes i will do that and u better now on with the story


"hey mai can i talk to you for a minute?"i said"sure john"and we went to the van outside of the house"so what did you need to talk about?" mai ask me" um well how do i say this um i like you like

not as a friend do u get what u mean?" i said" oh um sorry john i get what your saying and its sweet but i only see u as mine older brother or a great friend plus mascko likes no loves you more like how you were saying to me but im not saying no to it but i just dont want no one not even naru get close to

me like how we are now how i'm nice and sweet but really if you met me back then first when mine parents died you wouldn't like me um how di i say this without you knowing the whole thing? hmmm

oh i know lets just say if you got on mine bad side you'll be the hopspital now like that kind of not wanted to be near kind plus i just want everyone to see me like this........*mumbels* till i leave (me:f.y.i mai knew a little o whats going to happen and that is yet to come (

diva:dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnn me: thank you diva diva:welcome) " mai said but i could her what she said last" oh okay but i'll try to move on mabe to mascko u say likes me well im going to try that!" i said " if youwant a shoulder to cry on cry on mine or mascko okay?" mai said then i cryed and

cried" i i i j-just wanted someone like you to know how it fells to be alone!!" i said crying" shhh shhh you not alone no more john*pulls him from her shoulder and wipes tears stains from his face and put

hand on his cheek* we all have each other but only one mush be alone and that's not you got it you have mascko,monk,ayicko,len,moka,naru,and if you want you can have me y your side were all here together no one left behinde okay plus naru wont let anyone hurt you or anyone on his team to get hurt it gose for everyone including me even i diffrent the you guys i may be small but give me time i will not just stand in front of you so i get hurt but i will also protext you guys you guys mean the world

to me naru mine little guy that i want to be around you mine brother john who help me throu the tough times like how im doing now helping you monk and ayicko the mother and father acts like that so noone is leftbehind and act like the people on this team is there own like i do len and moka the aunt and uncal the one who may be maen but kind and will help if you ask and tat's why i stay that's why i care and this is why i lived to elp people who is suffering of thes ghost demons and creepy thing in the dark and beong the grave okay and also mine friends are like family i may not remeber mine real ones but the family of friends will be like a blood floe family okay so don't say your alone because

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