Good Friends

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Mom pops in and opens the door wider to reveal Gorya. She gives me a small smile and a sad look on her face. Mom says, "She came to see you. I'll leave you two alone."

Gorya smiles, "Thank you Ms. Sansithorn." Mom smiles before leaving us alone. I felt awkward in my own room as she wipes her hands against her lap. She looks at the ground as she breaks the silence, "I wanted to clear anything up. So, we don't have a misunderstanding between us."

I stayed silent as she continues, "The reason why I was with Ren on the rooftop was because of the news that broke out. I pieced things together, and when the news broke out at school...I felt it was right to be there for him as a concerned friend." My ears perked up as I asked, "What news?"

Gorya paused as she asked, "You didn't see? P'Mira has a fiancé. It was all over the tabloids this morning. It was broadcasted on the monitor in the cafeteria." She shows me her phone as I saw numerous articles on Google, about Mira's fiancé–Dominique Shun. It got out faster than I thought. My expression remained unfazed as I gave her back the phone. She asks me, "You knew?"

I nodded as I sat down on my bed, "I knew about it two days ago. Ren's parents asked to meet with mom and me." Gorya nods in understanding and I pat the spot next to me. She takes a seat next to me. "Ren was angry about everything. His dad was headstrong and wanted us to showcase this engagement for publicity."

I looked down at my hands, "I guess it was a matter of time before the shit hit the fan."

"I'm sorry."

My eyes met her as she sincerely says, "I'm sorry for this morning, and for not looking after you right away. I promise it was just a hug and nothing more. Ren told me to run after Thyme so I did. I should've followed you. I didn't know you had a panic attack again."

'Are you mad at me?'

I stayed silent as she waits for my response. "I'm not mad at you. I was angrier at Ren." I spoke.

I sighed, "When I saw you together, I got to admit I was jealous. I thought to myself, why couldn't he be attentive to me, why is he like this with others but not with me?"

My face hid from her through my hair as I blushed from embarrassment, "I felt entitled...and that makes me feel so bad for myself. I don't know Gorya, he hurt me too many times to count."

Gorya hugs me as she pats my head softly, "You deserve to be entitled. Ren should be more attentive to you; at least shows he respects you. Even if he doesn't like it or not, you two are connected. I'm sorry I didn't see how much you've suffered." 

Her eyes fill up with tears, and I chuckle, "You're so dramatic."

She cries in my arms when I hug her, and I pat her head, "Gorya, you aren't responsible for any of this."

Gorya breaks our hug and says, "But I'm your best friend. I should take care of you."

"But, how am I supposed to help–when you don't say anything? You endure everything on your own to the point where it explodes in your face," she lectured.

I blinked and said, "I'll try to tell you everything, ok? But I don't want you blaming yourself because of my problems."

Gorya smiles, "Ok."

I sniffed, "So, how are you going to mend things with Thyme since your argument and what happened this morning?"

She sighs, "That is another person I need to apologize to. I don't know how to do it."

"You don't know or you don't want to?"

"I just...we're always fighting—"

I interrupt, "You two are too prideful. He's overbearing at times, but you aren't so perfect yourself."

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