Declaration of Sorts

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After last night's failed mission, I lay on MJ's couch the next morning snoring away from the lack of sleep. I felt a pillow hit me on the face, and I sprung up in a panicked state. Kavin, the perpetrator, asked,

"Are you just going to be sleeping or what?" I take the pillow and hug it, laying my head on it, "Sorry. I slept later than I should've last night."

"Did you see Hana's post on SNS last night?"

"She posted something?", I tried to look for my phone and saw it in between the couch pillows. I went on SNS and clicked on her profile. Thyme is delirious, barely conscious, and she's displaying it to everyone. "She has no shame. This has got to be illegal right? She can't just take someone against their free will?!" I exclaimed.

Kavin walks over to MJ while saying, "It is up to Thyme to press charges if he chooses to." I stood up to walk over to them, MJ still typing away on his computer. "Have you been able to contact Thyme? Why are you so lax at this moment? Your friend was kidnapped." I asked, leaning on MJ's chair.

He shook his head and combed through his hair, "No, I haven't. No one has. If she has an inch of intelligence left, she wouldn't do anything to Thyme. It's basically suicide if you harm a Paramanaantra."

He continues typing on his spyware, numbers, and letters flashed throughout the three monitors–enough to rack my brain trying to understand it all.

I ask, "How are you doing all of this?"

MJ clicks his tongue, "Can you sit? You're distracting me."

I whistle, bringing my arms up in surrender, "Sorry, I'll get out of your hair." MJ continued typing as Kavin sends a smirk my way. I stood next to him and crossed my arms as I asked, "Should we call P'Roslyn or P'Tia?"

"I don't think Thyme would want his mom coming back from Singapore right now," Kavin responded.

"I got it!", MJ exclaims. He hastily twists his chair around, showing his monitors to us. "Her real name is Hana Vidalha Malakarn. Her father is Kristana Malakarn, a financial sector. Kavin, this is why she's so familiar." Malakarn? That doesn't seem familiar to me. I look towards Kavin, who suddenly goes to a bookshelf, "Do you still have the yearbooks?"

"Of what school?"

Kavin takes out a book and flips through the pages, "Remember in primary school, there's a student with that surname."

He continues until he stops at one page and points, "Here." He hands me the yearbook to show MJ. We look at the picture together, "Kornkanok Malakarn.", he reads out. He types the name in his software and an image of her records pops up on the screen. Kavin claps his hands and points at the screen, "I remember her now."

I am still confused as I asked, "You guys knew her from primary school?"

Kavin nodded, "She had a crush on Thyme but, he rejected her. Afterward, she was never seen again."

MJ included, "She even went as far as to change her whole name. It's very suspicious. I'll call Thyme right now." He makes the call, but it's suddenly disconnected. "She must've turned his phone on airplane mode."

"So, what now?" I asked.

No one answers but, my phone vibrates all of a sudden. I hastily take it out to check and discover it's my class's group chat.

Student 1: Where's her bike?

Student 2: Quick let's find it.

I look towards the guys and I show my phone to them, "Gorya. She must be in trouble. I need to go right now." Kavin stops me by grabbing my arm. "Not so fast, you could get hurt."

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