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9 years ago...

TW: Death/Very traumatic so, I want to warn you if you are uncomfy with this topic. You can read the first half of the chapter, and skip the end part if you'd like.


A few days passed since Ren's party. I left the gazebo after he ran away and hung out with my parents for the rest of the night under the excuse that "I was tired". My parents were worried about me so, Uncle Ken drove us home earlier than the rest. I was quiet the whole ride back home, trying my best to keep the tears from falling and being noticed. Dad carried me to bed, and mom kissed me good night after she helped me change. All I know is that I just kept crying after they closed my door, soaking my pillow. 

I chose not to talk about the party with them because my parents had to go to the hospital again. Something about dad's treatment so, I never had the chance to. All I could think about was Ren's declaration, how he regretted meeting me. Did I overstep? Was I only thinking of myself? I huddled in the corner of our grey, L-shape couch, watching TV. I didn't feel like doing anything, I just wanted a distraction. 

Auntie Cel strolled into the living room from the kitchen with a bowl of vanilla ice cream and strawberry syrup. She sits next to me and asks, "Are you in the mood for ice cream?" I nodded and accepted the bowl, "Thanks, Auntie Cel."

She rubs my hair and leans on the cushions of the couch. After a moment, she asks, "We've noticed that you've been down lately because of the party, is there something going on?" I slowed my eating and shook my head, "No, the party was great. I loved it." I went back to eating, attempting to close the conversation. Auntie Cel sighs and pats my thigh, "You know you can talk to us, right?" 

I nodded and went back to watching the TV. She stands and walks back to the kitchen. The doorbell rang, and Auntie Cel went to open the door. I heard her talking to someone in a muffled voice, and I turned to look at the door, "Who is it?"

Auntie Cel walks in with Mira, who wore overalls and a pink shirt, with white sneakers. She had her hair up in a ponytail with a pink bow and her bangs curled to the front. I smiled as I stood up to greet her. She runs to me and engulfs me in her arms, "I missed you." 

I chuckled as I broke our hug, "We saw each other a few days ago." 

Mira sulks, "I know, but you never said bye. You left after the fireworks." I patted her shoulder and said, "I'm sorry, I just felt sick all of a sudden. My parents wanted to take me home." Mira flashed a look of disbelief but sighed, "As long as you're feeling ok." 

"Do you want anything to drink or eat?" I asked. 

She shook her head, and I looked towards Auntie Cel, "Auntie, we'll be in my room." Auntie Cel nods, and I lead Mira upstairs. I opened the door to my room, and she exclaimed, "Your room is so pretty. I wish my parents let me choose the color of my room!" 

Mira sits on my bed as I sat in front of her in my desk chair, "Why won't they let you?" Mira sighed, "They wanted a certain design for each room." 

She plops on my bed and glances at my ceiling stars, "Did you put these stars up by yourself?" I shook my head as I lay next to her, "My dad put them up." 

"Is it in some type of design?", she asks. I nodded and pointed, "It is made into a Sagittarius, my horoscope." 

"Woah, that's what it looks like?"

"Mhm, what is your horoscope by the way?", I asked as I turned my face to her. She replied, "I'm a Capricorn." I hummed, "I don't know much about horoscopes but, my dad loves the stars." 

Unrequited II F4 ThailandWhere stories live. Discover now