A Turning Point

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Kocher stadium looked daunting at night. The abandoned structure held a sense of formidable energy every time I came across it. The chilly breeze didn't help with my anxiety. Clamminess took over my body as we made our way to the entrance. I wasn't sure what I wanted to say to him. Did I even want to talk to him?

We came to the entrance and before she took a step forward, Gorya sensed my hesitation. "Are you ok?" She turned to me and stopped in front of me, with a concerned look on her face. I scratched my arm, "Maybe you should go in. I'll wait in the car."

She looks back at the stadium and then at me, "Are you nervous to see Ren?"

I bit the inside of my cheek and looked down, "I don't think it's a good idea." She softly smiles and pats my shoulder, "I bet he's hoping to see you."

I scoff and shook my head, "I don't think you'd win in that bet."

"No, seriously. I bet he wants to talk to you just as much as you do."

My foot tapped against the dirt as I thought of what to do. I wanted to go, but my thoughts were telling me the opposite. You're stupid enough to think he'd want to talk to you?  He hates you. But, I know he doesn't. I shook my head away from those degrading thoughts,  "All right. I'll go."

Gorya smiled and hooked her arm in mine. We both make our way to the guys, stepping into the drafty stadium. Gorya and I stop as soon as we see the four guys standing in the middle of the murky water in the stadium's center.

"You are so selfish."

I heard Thyme's spiteful tone. Gorya looks at me as we quietly peeked around the corner. We both watched as they had their conversation. 

Ren scoffs as Thyme continues, "You don't think about how you affect others. Stop using Gorya."

"What? You think I used Gorya?" Ren combed his hand through his muggy, wet hair. He licks his lips before looking at Thyme straight, "I would never use her. I care about her too much, as my friend to have that intention."

"So, what are your intentions exactly? Causing a rift between her and Nova? A drift between us?" Thyme asks, his hands clenched on his sides. 

Ren replied, "Your problem is your assumptions about us. Gorya and I just hugged. Your insecurity got the best of you."

Ren steps in front of Thyme and pushes his shoulder, "You'd rather talk with your fists than your words. I bet Gorya hates that, right? You wouldn't understand though." Thyme's enraged attitude sparked a wave of anger in him as he looked at his best friend. MJ places his hand on Thyme's chest, pushing him back before they got into another fistfight, "All right. Let's not fight anymore."

Thyme shrugged off his hand as he punched Ren's face. Ren staggered back as MJ and Kavin yelled at Thyme, "Stop!"

Ren recovered from the jab and went to punch Thyme. Kavin tries to hold him back as MJ had Thyme. "Ren stop it already."

He shrugged Kavin's hands from his arms, "This is what I'm talking about. Do you still believe I'm the reason Gorya is so hesitant about you? Look at you."

Thyme's chest heaves as Ren looks at him. Kavin says, "Ren, lay off. Fuck!" Ren looked toward Kavin as he asks, "What's your problem?"

"You! Both of you!" Kavin yelled. All three guys looked at him in silence as Kavin kicked the water, "I got fucking punched, broke my glasses–all because of your bullshit." He points between Thyme and Ren. He shook his head as he looks at Thyme, "You broke the group up because of a girl? Is that what we are? Jealous pricks who are territorial over people now?"

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