Chapter 11 - It's not like she was tortured, or something.

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Comeback season indeed! 

First chapter released on time in months! Well...I hope at least. I write these forewords before the chapter so I have zero idea. (I'm late by a FULL week fffffuuu-)

Gonna be a long chapter, this one, so to those of you that speedrun any% my chapters in four minutes, it'll be FIVE minutes this time. How kind of me....

For the main sufferers of this fic, Ayanokouji and Kanzaki, please pray for them. One of them might not be so well....

Hope you enjoy!


Maybe I should take some textbooks back to the dorm with me, just in case? I might need them over break.


"Knowledge is power-"

"Don't hit me with that BULLCRAP Kiyotaka! Who knows what will happen to her because of you!"

"I think that's the perfect queue to find out." Yulr said.

*The scene changes from the classroom to the rooftop.*

'Ayanokouji is probably feeling a lot of pressure....I should try to ease it somehow.' Hirata thought.

"Excuse me everyone! I know many of you are furious at Ayanokouji for his decision-"

"Quite." Haruka uttered, which many in Class D (Horikita is who I mean) and Class B (Ichinose is who I mean)  found themselves agreeing.

"-But!I think you should maybe reconsider."

"Huh/What??" Many found themselves saying.

"Of course, I agree with you all that Ayanokouji should have gone with Karuizawa to the rooftop, but Karuizawa has forgiven him, so we should as well right?"

"Yeah...I suppose you're right." Matsushita said.

Hirata was able to shift the views on Ayanokouji towards a positive direction. Something that Ayanokouji greatly appreciated.

'Thank you Hirata, you are truly a good friend-'

"Besides, it's not like she was tortured or something, right?"

Ishizaki's jaw dropped and it took Ryuuen almost everything he had to not lose his composure and bust out laughing.

'You have failed me, Hirata.'

"Of course she wasn't tortured! I couldn't see myself forgiving him if that were the case." Haruka said confidently.

'This is awful.'

"Mhm! Something like that couldn't happen at this school." Ichinose reassured.

"Exactly. So there is little to worry about here." Hirata confirmed.

'Hirata. What have you done?'

"AKCFGHSG!" Ryuuen let out a weird sounding....what was that a cough? A sneeze maybe? Well that held in the laugh so it was quite practical.

"Well this is ironic...." Kei said under her breath.

"Fine Kiyoponpon. I'll let this slide but you're on thin ice!"

"Thanks then...?"

'Why did Haruka add two pon's? No, more importantly I should find a way out of this.'

It was almost two in the afternoon, just shy of the time I'd set for Karuizawa, when the rooftop door opened to admit a lone student. The leading lady of today's show appeared, stiffening in the cold air.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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