Chapter 6 - Advantage.

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Heyyyy! I'm back! Did you miss me?

I know it's been awhile and I'm awfully sorry. Life got busy, and to tell the truth, it still kind of is. A bunch of homework and periods of time where I just wasn't in the best mental state for a mostly light-hearted story like this one, and I hope you can understand the delay. To try to make it up to you. I've made this chapter EXTRA long (double as long as normal!)

5,400 words.

Year 2 Volume 6 is out! I'll be reading it after this is finally published. I'm not sure I like the direction Classroom of The Elite is going, but I still feel it's too early to count it out. Guess we'll see what happens.

Thank you all for patiently waiting while I was gone (or just forgetting this story existed in the first place.) I can't say for sure that I'm back to dropping consistently, but I certainly haven't dropped the story, and do plan to finish this one day.

As always, hope you enjoy this chapter!


Everyone in the theater, except Ayanokouji and Yulr reported feeling immense pain.

Ayanokouji and Yulr both shared a look.

They silently agreed that no one else could truly know what had just taken place.

They just patiently waited until everyone's headaches were over, which took about two minutes.

"All better now? Yulr asked.

"I am feeling better now thanks for asking, but isn't it quite strange how we all got headaches at the same time?" Horikita brought up an interesting point.

There was an agreement throughout the crowd.

"Yes... It seems too rare to be a coincidence, something in this theater must have caused it, but I don't think you have to worry about it happening again." Yulr reassured the crowd.

'Seems like there's more to it than he's willing to tell us. I won't question it, for now at least.' Sakayanagi thought to herself.

"So something in this theater is capable of at least giving us all severe migraines? That's a danger to everyone in this theater as it stands." Ryuuen stated matter-of-factly.

"Ryuuen, YOU'RE a danger to everyone in this theater as it stands. Do I have to remind you who was flinging bread at everyone outside? Yulr retorted.

"I made good use of my time out there."

"U couuuuld make even better uuse of it by sendin' it tooowards us!" Sō slurred out.

"Fuck off! Throw it at each other if that's what you want, but don't get me involved in your weird shit."

Class B couldn't help but notice the strange actions and behavior from their fairly normal classmates.

Ichinose was especially concerned.

"Is everything okay? You two are acting...strange."

"We have simply become aware of the presence of bread, something that is so seemingly miniscule to most, ignored and taken for granted by many." Ryōta said with no signs of being high off of bread at all.

"The presence of bread?! What the hell are you two even talking about!?" Kanzaki said.

"ANYWAYS! I've taken countermeasures to make sure it won't happen again, so no need to worry." Yulr assured.

Karuizawa started trembling as she recalled what they'd done to her. Even if she didn't want to reveal this pathetic side of herself, the trauma was buried so deep that her pain wasn't easily hidden.

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