Chapter 7 - Can things get any worse?

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11K reads?!?! (12k now...) How the hell did we get here so fast? I knew we'd hit 10k before this chapter came out, but I didn't even get to see it! I went to sleep at 9.4k, then woke up at 10.4k, and I swore I must've slept in a day.

I want to make an effort to write more frequently and all. It probably won't quicken the time I release chapters, but it'll allow me to revise them, which I feel that I currently don't do much of at all. I check for grammar issues, but that's about it.

Seems most people prefer longer chapters, or just don't care, which is cool. I honestly don't know how long this chapter will be though. Regardless of its length, enjoy! (6587 words.)


Third Person Omniscient POV:

Also from now on, Bold + Italicized are things that didn't actually happen in canon. It'll only really be used for thoughts or flashbacks maybe(or in rare cases, they were italicized in the light novel.)

She tried to look puzzled, but that was just an act. After all, a parasite couldn't live without a host. By finding a new host, Karuizawa only had one way to go on living:

With me.

*Film fades to black*

"You have got to stop having these types of thoughts man." Sudou said, with his head in his palms.

'Truthfully, I shouldn't be criticized at all.  A person should be able to think whatever they want in their head.' Thought Ayanokouji.

"I don't think there's a problem with it." Ryuuen said.

"Of course YOU don't!" exclaimed Sudou.

"Tell me Sudou, are you a saint?" Arisu asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Have you thought things about people that you wouldn't voice out loud?"

"Of course I have, but hasn't everyone?"

"Yes, I'm sure everyone has.. If we saw your intrusive thoughts, our view of you would surely change as well. If it was you instead of Ayanokouji, maybe you'd be in a worse position?"

"I don't think I've thought of anything really bad though..." Sudou said, while holding his chin and looking down in thought.

Yulr could think of at least one example though.

"Hey Sudou....You remember that time before the sports festival where you and Horikita made a promise that if you placed first you got to call her by her first name?"


"Do you remember what you thought after she agreed to it?"


"Let me remind you!"

'I don't like this...' Sudo thought.

"I can't understand why you'd go out of your way to request something like that. But fine. If you produce the best results, I will allow you to use my first name. However, I won't be satisfied if you're just the best in our class. Show me that you can be the best out of everyone in our grade."

"All right! It's a deal then. If I place first in our grade level, I'll call you by your first name," he said happily.

"However, in the event that you don't get first place, I'll forever forbid you from saying my first name. Prepare yourself," said Horikita.

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