Chapter 4- Bread...

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Sup! I've only been gone for about 4 days (as of starting this), but it feels like a lot longer for some reason. I started writing this story like what, 11 days ago? So this is one of my longest breaks, if not THE LONGEST (definitely the longest now...) I would like to blame something for that, school. I had to write SO MANY essays this week, that at one point I developed a genuine dislike for writing in general. When I had to write 3 essays in 2 hours for that exam on Friday, I swear I lost a part of me. Thankfully, I am back to normal now and happy to be back.

 Thanks for all the support that you've been showing (god knows it's helped me), the amount of votes every chapter gets is crazy, and the reads have almost doubled again.

I'll talk more at the end, but for now, enjoy the chapter!


Third Person Omniscient POV:

"But that's odd. Aside from receiving a penalty, we were ranked first by a large margin. How are you going to explain this?"

"Yeah, I'm also quite curious." Ryuuen expressed his interest in finding out what really happened.

"Although this story is a little hard to explain, the answer to that question is the reason I made you retire."

"Retire...the answer... What the heck did you do?"

"Oh, didn't you return it to the school yet?"

I took out a card from my pocket and handed it to Horikita.

"Why, this is..."

The letters engraved on the card were "Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

"Ohhhhh, you son of a bitch." Said Ryuuen.

"You were the leader? What! How?" Satou both exclaimed and asked.

"Loopholes." Ayanokouji said simply.

"Loophole? Like the 'Poophole Loophole?'" Ike questioned.

"What is the 'Poophole Loophole?'" Sudo asked, not sure if he really wanted to know.

"Well you know how like girls sometimes-" Ike started, until he noticed how many people were curious about what he was explaining.

"Ah... Nevermind...I think it's better not to know actually..." Ike said, looking off to the side.

Good choice Ike, good choice.

This didn't stop those that were curious from looking it up on their phones though.

'THERE'S A NAME FOR THIS?!' Ishizaki thought, while looking up the definition on Urban Dictionary.


"CENSORSHIP!" Yulr said as he loudly interrupted Ishizaki.

"The trial must be fair. That's why all the rules are created fair."

That's quite natural. It's something that can only be seen clearly in the additional rules. Only one leader can be chosen. The leader can't change. In other words, the leader is the only one who has the right of exclusive possession.

"But then how did you become the leader?" Ichinose was curious.

"The monster was able to swap out with Horikita." Ryueen said, being more than smart enough to figure out what happened from Ayanokouji being the leader.

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