Why was it that it seemed like he was going to cry? He had to ask himself as he tried to gulp down some air. It was better if he kept moving, he decided. With a decisive step, he moved away.

It was dark and with a gloomy atmosphere as the plants swayed to the call of the wind. He was glad of his collared shirt and jacket he tightened his hold on the jacket it's mid of December, as the temperature dropped. It was getting close to new year and the winter snow fall Brought the temperatures down to minus through the night.
He remember she loves snow fall.

"What am I doing here?" he asked out loud to himself. The silence around him drowning in his words as if he had not spoken at all. He had gotten out of the house .

Arnav uttered a sigh of discontent as he kicked a rock from the path and heard it roll against the dirt. He headed forward, the destination furthest from his mind as he decided to stare at the sky.
He had it all and he ruined it, tears formed in his eyes,

"she deserves better"

It was pitch black. As if nothing would call to him. He tried to look at his watch, but couldn't discern which numbers were being pointed to. It didn't matter though. He had no way to leave himself unless he called for someone to pick him up. And in the end, he had already told his family,that he would be staying over at a friend's house for the weekend.

His father didn't allowed ,he knows he has to go back home.

He reasoned that life wasn't fair. But it would be alright. This was his first tumble with the better emotions and he was sure it wouldn't be the last. The suffering of teenage hearts,but they are not teenagers.
He chuckled at his own stupid words. He wondered if his drink had been spiked for him to think such an outlandish idea. What was possessing his thought processes?

A giddy laugh escaped his lips, and that cinches it. He definitely was not in control of himself. If anyone who knows him  had caught any of that he would have been accused of being a girl. The highest insult they could manage at the moment.

He shook his head, looking at the dark ground and just sitting down.

He still felt wrong in so many ways that he could not really process his own body's response to the weather. It was very late and with the changing temperatures, he was not completely surprised to feel moisture fall on his neck. It was not that important in his mind.
But that was it.

His musings, which made him forget about his current predicament, distracted him enough so that he jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Arnav, what are you doing out here?" Arvind stood to his side, leaning towards him. He was smiling serenely, his lips quirked as his eyes focused on him alone.

Arnav just stared back. Wondering if he was beginning to hallucinate. There was no way that his father was outside, in the dark, leaning over his shoulder in the snow fall. There was just no way.He was out for a business trip what is he doing here ,"I thought you would be late"

Arnav's smile faltered as he did not answer. Maybe it was the way he was looking at him, but he knew that him appearing before him was probably something he had not expected at all.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," he shivered at the words, the unnatural fear coming again because of the darkness. His smile turned to a grimace as his lighthearted comment did nothing to the situation.

Something was definitely wrong. he knew it, but he didn't know what to do about it.

His eyes wavered to his position when he simply stayed unmoving. His neck was starting to sore so he did the next best thing. he sat down beside him, not caring about the dirt on his three piece suit as he drew his legs in and wrapped his arms around them.

"You shouldn't sit down," he make a move to stop him. "I think the temperature is going to get worse."

"You haven't answered me Arnav, why are you out here?" he didn't know what to answer his father who was looking at him with a serene smile.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time, I thought a walk will do good" he took his time in answering, but the answer seemed to have an edge to it. That had his attention.

Arnav shot him covert glances, fixated on his expression. he seemed to be debating something. ," Arnav, it's not the end ,"

"I did wrong Dad, didn't I?" it was not a question, It was left as a statement. Arnav really didn't have anything to add to that
He started to stand to go. It didn't matter what he had to do.
He was stopped by him. It was tightly gripping the side of his hand, before he could even take a step.

"Why are you leaving now, if you were enjoying the weather,did I ruined it?" His tone was deflated, devoid of his usual tilt.

He didn't know how to reply. What was he supposed to say? He was at a loss there. Was he able to laugh it off and try to get some normalcy to the situation. The rain increased at that moment. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it had been hard enough to pelt down and drench various part of his clothing.

"We should head back home Arnav ", nodding his head he followed his father.
Where he is sure his mother will be waiting for him all tensed.
He is making everyone worried.

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