20 🎵 Drunk Call

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"Welcome to our humble abode!" Bam bowed dramatically as I entered her apartment. ZL wasn't home since she was part of the crew doing the out-of-town filming, so it was only the two of us.

For the entire day, Bam accompanied me in looking for apartments. She then invited me to sleep in her place. Since Kiyo and his band members also went out of town to attend some events, I decided to stay with Bam for the night.

"Nice place," I commented while looking around.

"That's because I took down all of ZL's demonic stuff and threw them away," Bam said as she opened the balcony doors. It was already nighttime, and the view outside was the beautiful lights of Moonwalk City. "If you saw what this place looked like before I moved here, you'd be mortified. It was a crime scene, I'm telling you."

After grabbing two cans of beer from the kitchen, Bam joined me in the narrow balcony and handed me a beer.

"The view is great," I remarked. "I wish I can also find a place with a balcony that is within my budget."

"The rental fee in this city is quite expensive," Bam said. "ZL is just lucky since the landlord of this building is her mom's friend." She sipped her beer and shifted her gaze at me. "By the way, why are you moving? You said your current housemate is your childhood friend from your town, so why do you need to move?"

Because my housemate is my ex-boyfriend! And we're now in an intimate relationship! Ugh! How I wish I could tell Bam the entire truth, but I couldn't.

I heaved a deep sigh and chugged down my beer. "I don't want to be a burden to my friend," I explained simply. "By the way, have you seen Lana's new posts in the forum?" I asked, intentionally diverting the topic.

Bam rolled her eyes and made a dissatisfied groan. "Yeah. She even promised the fans that she'd screenshot the forum thread and show it to Kiyo. Can you believe her? She's crazy."

"I thought she'd stop after a few lies, but she just kept on going."

"I want to expose her, but doing that means I have to deal with her in the workplace," Bam said. "I'm new in DME, and she's close to most of the staff. Imagine the lies that she might say about me. I just don't have the energy to deal with her right now."

"Well, her lies in the forum are harmless so far. The fandom is happy too, so I guess we can turn a blind eye for now," I shrugged.

Honestly, what Lana did was extremely annoying. Reading her posts about being close with Kiyo was seriously hurting my brain. But Bam was right. Lana was so good with her 'I'm innocent' routine that we might end up being the bad ones if we tried to confront her.

"Let's go to my room. I'll show you my Hot Chaos collection!" Bam exclaimed enthusiastically.

When we entered her room, my vision was attacked by all sorts of pink stuff. Her wallpaper was pink, her bedsheet was pink, and almost everything she owned were also pink. I chuckled as I swung my gaze at Bam. "I guess you like pink?"

"Girl, it's the color of my soul," she joked and held me by the shoulder, making me turn around. When I saw the wall facing the bed, my eyebrows arched up while staring at the Hot Chaos posters plastered all over the wall. There were numerous DVD and CD collection lining the shelves, and the signed postcards as well as the concert tickets were pinned in the corkboard on her desk.

MY ROCKSTAR EX-BOYFRIENDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin