3. walk home

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After school izuku was walking back home slightly limping, he hopes he could walk past his mother and she wouldn't notice, but that women has spidy senses I'm telling you!
He sighed not wanting to worry his mother, she gets worried very easily and that's something he didn't want to do.

Suddenly somebody grabbed izukus hand and threw it over their shoulder swiftly.
Izuku quickly snapped his neck to the right seeing none other than katski Bakugo, the hot blondie who carried him to school today.

"Thought you might need help getting home, we live in the same neighborhood so I'll help you out" katski smirked as he found izukus panicking and blushing amusing.

"H-homestly you don't have to" izuku said, but in all honesty he didn't mind this at all, on the contrary he loved this

"I'm also responsible for your injury so the least I can do is walk you home"

"But you already did so much for me" izuku added looking ahead oh him, he realised many people are staring. I mean of course they are staring, the short tempered angry katski Bakugo is helping the other walk, and also carried him to school earlier.

Today izuku made a new friend Shinsou, he had purple hair slightly hidden with a black beanie, also looked very tierd, like the eyebags were no joke, quite concerning actually.
Shinso wore big steal rings on his fingers and a watch on his wrist, also carried a guitar around even know he's not in a band, a truly weird fella.

Shinso clicked with izuku instantly when izuku said he loves the same band as shinso.

And they talked the entire lesson, that's when shinso told izuku everything about
Bakugo, he was the schools famous 'heart breaker' every few weeks he had a new hot chick by his side but they were lucky if they stuck around for a week.
Still many people wanted to be with katski despite the whole 'heart breaker' reputation, it was because they wanted to date him for his looks, body, oh and of course the reputation he holds in school.

Bakugo is also in a band as a drummer, they have very good music, it even suprised shinso and to suprise the guy it takes an effort and good talent.
Bakugo was of course in the football team too, how could he not be?

Izuku forrowed his eyebrows at the 'heart breaker' part, he really didn't like that, not at all. As much as he liked Bakugo he didn't want to be one of his weekly chicks, he didn't want his heart broken by a imature boy who dates everyone.
Izuku sighed 'promise me izuku you won't fall for this boy, we are NOT going through the "I will fix him" phase' izuku thought to himself mentally lecturing himself for blushing like a girl around the blonde.

As they got closer to izukus house, izuku pointed to the big cozy family house standing nicely with a cute well kept front yard.

Katski took him to the door and was about to say bye where he saw the cute blush missing from izukus cheeks, instead he saw a puzzled look on his face.
"You good?" Asked Bakugo missing the blush on the greenetes pale cheeks.

"Yeah I'm good, b-but I wanted to say lets n-not talk to eachother anymore, or see e-eachother" izuku finally said anxious about what katski will reply to this.

Bakugo just stood there for a few seconds, his brain doesn't understand what's going on? Nobody has ever said that to him since most people want to date him, want to be friends with him.
Everyone does! So why is this new kid saying he doesnt?

"What do you mean?" Asked Bakugo slightly annoyed yet curious, he showed nothing but kindness to izuku and the now he's being pushed away?
He thought he won him over, that this greenete is into him.

"Bakugo, I'm very sorry b-but I don't want to be dropped like your past friendships and relationships, I just want a calm year in school"
Bakugo cocked a brow "what made you think I was gonna drop you?"

Izuku just sighed not wanting to carry this on anymore, school was very tiring, and his leg would ache from time to time. What he needed right now was a good, long sleep. Not this.

"Goodbye Bakugo" izuku said walking into his home.

And to tell you the truth Bakugo was SHOCKED, no... DUMBFOUNDED, no body has ever said that to him, absolutely no-one!
Everyone would be so excited with the opportunity to become Bakugos friend, but this green eyed male wasn't.

And something in bakugos chest tightened, he didn't like that izuku thought of Bakugo this way. It for some reason bothered him, and feelings of other people had never ever bothered him.

So why does he suddenly care now? Is it because this is his first rejection? Probably...

Bakugo thought as he walked home, angrily running his hand through his hair.
Yes Bakugo was intrested in izuku, and this rejection made him determined, very determined to win the nerd over.

Have the nerd fall for him was his perfect revenge, at least that's what he hoped for.

Bakugo thinks izuku will be easy Huh?
No our izuku is smart, he's shy but not naiive.
And Bakugo will fall for our nerd first.
Fall very hard for izuku.

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