1. first encounter

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Izuku was hugging his pillow tightly trying to get some extra minutes of sleep while ignoring he's mother's yelling
"Sweetheart izuku you will be late!!"

Izuku groaned and pushed a pillow in he's face trying to block out any access noise but failed on doing so since he's house is never quiet.

A small puff of green hair and curious emerald green eyes peeked from the bedside, she was struggling to see izuku even while standing on her tiptoes.
"Izu izu!" She giggled chewing down on her pacifier.

"Chiyo please go away" izuku whined as his mother walked in. "Izuku hun, it's your new school, you cant be late!"

Izuku sat up and rubbed he's eyes "I knowww, but I was so anxious about the new school I barely got any sleep"

Inko smiled gently and picked up izukus sister up on her hands, she leaned down and gave a small peck on izukus forehead, and chiyo did the same, she gently pecked his forehead and giggled.

Izuku returned the sweet smile and turned his head to his alarm clock but he wished he never did, his eyes widened "7.31??" He yelled jumping out of bed.

"I told you hun" inko laughed at the mess izuku was in, his legs got tangled in the blanket and before inko could warn him, he fell face first into the floor.

"Oh my god, are you alright izuku??" Inko questioned worriedly meanwhile Chiyo laughed hysterically.

"Mhmmm I could feel today will be a bad day" izuku said rolling over on his back and covering his face with his palms.

Meanwhile in the bakugo house hold on the same street as izuku, Bakugo was ignoring his mother's angry yelling to get some extra minutes of sleep. He stayed up late practicing his drumming and now regrets it very much as his eye lids just wouldn't budge, it felt like someone glued them in place.

"katski wake up right this instant!"

"Shut the fuck up hag" katski yelled.

Suddenly the door swang open revealing his angry mum who already brought a slipper, bakugo jumped out of bed quickly, shivering slightly from the cold air.

"I told you to get up didn't I?!"
She said in a threatening voice hitting the slipper onto her palm, even know its just a slipper it was really threatening, especially all the trauma that simple slipper brought to katski... Just like the kettle and todoroki.

"m-mum let's talk this out-"

Before katski could even finish, he's mother threw the heavy shoe at him with all her power, he barley doged it but successfully run out into the corridor leaving he's room.
He was about to run downstairs when something he didn't expect happened... A sneak attack...

She. Had. A. Second. Slipper!

The slipper hit the back of he's head and he was falling to the floor, knowing there's no escape now, he thought back to himself... Was it worth sleeping 2 minutes more? He should have just got up... Regretting he's life decisions he fell flat onto he's face.

At the time Masaru just exited the toilet with he's newspaper, but seeing he's only son being beaten brutally by he's own mother he decided to go back, it's better than walking thro that battle feild anyway.
And what more did he need?
He had newspaper and a toilet.

After about 10 minutes bakugo was sitting in his school uniform on the old couch annoyed with a bag of frozen peas pushed against he's cheek.

"Ok go now to school, you have 15 minutes left" katski threw the cold bag on the table and walked out the door completely ignoring his mother's 'goodbyes' and 'have good day at school'

Katski ran down his street music blasting from his wireless headphones, katski loved music, ever since he was a kid. He believes it's the best creation humans have ever made. Music was everything to him, and he wanted to do something to do with music when he's older.
That's how he started playing drums, and drums fitted his personality perfectly. You could be agresive with them hitting the drum hard, yet it can still sound nice.

Bakugo made his own band, Kirishima was his friend for a few years and invited him to his group as a guitarist, later denki joined as a guitarist too and they became friends quickly since the yellow idiot is so dumb and open minded.
Sero played on the piano and mina sang, sometimes denki would sing too.
They had the perfect band, they had the best instruments and the best people playing them, there was only one problem.

Nobody was creative enough to write a song, there were some cool ideas there and then, but nothing was special enough, good enough.

Bakugo was so lost in his thoughts he didn't realize how a certain clumsy greenete bumped into him, who was too running to school.

Bakugo stopped the music and looked over to see the boy wince on the floor.
"Look where the fuck your going" the blonde snarled looking down.

Izuku sighed loving how his first day of school was going.
Great he bumped in into a bully, absolutely. Fucking. Great.

Izuku looked up shyly, but holy shit this bully was hot, his FASHION sense was absolutely great. He managed to make the boring uniform look so cool!

his white shirt wasn't tucked in, and his school trousers were way more baggy than it should be, it barely looks like school uniform.
His tie was loose around his neck, and his plain black school bag hung from one shoulder.

And oh god have mercy his arms where big, well built!
And the black headphones which sat comfortably on his head was like a cherry on top.

And I'm not even talking about his hands, HIS HANDS. Oh god he could strangle me to death and I wouldn't be mad.

"Quit fucking staring" bakugo said Keeling down to izuku "are you ok?" He asks examining his leg.

Izuku snapped out out from admiring this guys beauty and remembered the pain in his leg.
"oh I'm not sure i-if I can walk, I'm very sorry" izuku spat shyly looking away embarrassingly

Their faces were dangerously close and that made his heart beat hardly against his rib cage.
The man was gorgeous.

Bakugo looked up at the owner of the cute voice and saw a small blush on the others face, bakugo also examined the greenetes face and smirked "hey you're cute" he said bluntly.

The small blush turned into a huge crimson one.

"H-huh?? Did I hear that right?" Izuku asked sheepishly trying his best to calm down his heart, cause Jesus Christ his heart was louder than any drum bakugo has ever played on.

Bakugo smirked at the shy green eyed male
'already won him, new chick I guess' bakugo thought to himself  checking out the cute mess in front of him.

Izukus shy personality fit his look, he had soft green locks and a cute face that would blush ever so slightly from time to time.
He had the cutest small freckles scattered on his face like the stars on a stary night.
He was short and quite small in general, he also had the cutest and softest voice bakugo had ever heard.

Yes bakugo was interested in this boy, but what he didn't realize is that this boy will be way different from the other extras bakugo dated. Izuku won't be one of bakugos weekly chicks.

Bakugo doesn't know yet that this chick will stick around, and he will love this chick more than anything else.

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