A Blue Glint

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Amid the uncertainty, it is where people must achieve their maximum potential, but not everyone is capable of doing it, not everyone has the head to understand, that there is no going back to their decisions, to their dreams, and that when the time comes right, the moment where all the eyes of the world are on your neck, get out of the game and let others do the dirty work for you, just because you are afraid.

Before this all started, Y/n lived in Texas, but when he wasn't in school, he worked on his parent's farm and his life was happy. It was a simple life, perhaps somewhat repetitive and boring, but he liked it and that was his whole world, everything he needed to live.
Unlike many kids in his town, He did not dream of leaving his quaint little home and going to the big city or somewhere else, he wanted to be there, for his family, working in the fields, gathering the fruits of the harvest, and breathing the pure air of nature. (Yep Y/n is pretty much a country bumpkin)

When all this happened, he was fourteen years old and his greatest aspiration was to take the place of his father, in charge of the farm, of course, he knew that there was more, that, if he committed to studying, having a career or company, but that did not matter in the least.
That is what his mother would have preferred, that he goes to university, she dreamed of being a doctor or a surgeon, but unlike her, Y/n was content to work the land.

On the morning of that fateful day, his father had given him the usual list of tasks to do, after returning from school, as usual, he had left it on the kitchen table and gone out to do his work.
Y/n had gone to school and come home, had eaten and put on his work clothes, ready to go to work. His first task, cleaning the chicken cage and taking out the eggs, was one of the jobs that Y/n hated doing the most, since he had to get inside the cage, bend down to enter the coop, smell the putrid smell of feces, and then clean each of the cages. Inside there were five eggs that day, he picked them up and started cleaning each of the fences.

His second task was to collect fruit from the trees, he took his father's ladder and a basket climbed the tree, and began to collect the ripe fruits. Y/n liked to stand above the trees, he could see the farm from above and feel the breeze of freedom.
-Oh!- he shouted listening to his voice spreading throughout the field.
He put the eggs, along with the fruit, in the kitchen sink before heading out for his third task: Bringing food to the pigs. A fourth and fifth work followed the previous one. Around six- thirty I get to the last one, one of his favorites, in part because it represents the completion of hard work, reaping the crops from your sowing.

He went to the garden and began to collect the vegetables, his father had taught him how to do it many years ago and he had done it for a long time. He chose the salad first, then the zucchini, and finally the tomatoes. It followed a specific order, from highest to lowest. He put the zucchini under the salad and the tomatoes last because he knew that otherwise, they would juice before their time.

After hard but satisfying work, Y/n liked to stay in the garden, watch the sparrows get scared, distinguish the ripe vegetables from the ones that were still green, and enjoy the peace that only the countryside offers you. A peace that was interrupted when suddenly, he tripped over something and fell on his face to the ground.
He had dirt on his hands, as well as on his clothes and especially in his mouth, luckily he always wore work clothes or his mother would kill him. He got up, spat on the ground, scraping the dirt from his teeth, and tried to clean himself, at least partially, so as not to return home to his mother in that state, turning his eyes to see what he had encountered, he found a bluish glint reflecting.

-What do we have here? It looks like sapphire from a distance- Y/n says surprised, he grabs the blue contraption with his hands, looking at it more closely, he realized that it is a beetle, a very strange one at first glance, he put it in the basket and decided to bring it home, to inspect more thoroughly.

And here we are at the start of a new story I hope you enjoy what I have in store peace.

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