"Rebecca!" her mother scolded her, seeing Vanessa's look.

"That's the truth, Mom! He can't deal with his problems, so it's easier for him to escape them. First, he moved out. Then he fired Vanessa for no reason. And on top of that, he hasn't even gone to see her at the hospital!"

"Cole was there the whole time, Becca." Jackson felt obligated to stand up for his brother.

"What?" Rebecca turned to him questioningly.

The same question screamed in Vanessa's head. What?

"Yes, he was there," Jackson confirmed.

Vanessa tried to hide her emotions from what she heard but felt somewhat guilty about Cole's absence. "I'm sorry, Becks."

"There is nothing to be sorry about, Nessa. I said you were the reason, but it's not your fault."

"Becca, stop it!" Kristen interjected in a severe tone again. "If your brother says that he has work, then he has. Plus, now is a great time to decide what to get him for his birthday. We're only a few weeks away. He's turning thirty. So I want to make him happy with something special. He deserves it."

"Oh, I know, Mom," Rebecca replied more softly. "I'm sorry I said that. I just miss him. I'm afraid he will get distant from us again, like before. But you're right. Let's think about a gift."

By the end of the evening, the discussion of the present for Cole dominated. Although the family ultimately failed to reach a consensus. This decision was something that was going to take longer.

Mike did not participate in the thread. Choosing gifts was not his forte. Just selecting a ring for Rebecca had drained all his energy for such things. He didn't take part in the conversation before, either. He knew, as obviously did the others, that something was up with Cole, that he was going through something. And it had to do with Vanessa. So tonight, his suspicions were confirmed.

Vanessa also did not take part in the gift discussion. And even though she felt generally good, her body reminded her that she needed rest now and then. So she used fatigue as an excuse to get out of the conversation.

She returned to her room, put on Cole's shirt, and got into bed. It wasn't hard for her to fall asleep. But for a while before that, as much as she didn't want to, she thought about what Jackson had said. She didn't know if the fact that Cole had been at the hospital reassured her or was confusing her even more.

But like most of the questions she'd been asking herself lately, this one also remained unanswered.


A few days later

Vanessa spent the following days on complete rest. She went downstairs for a coffee or a bite to eat and then went back to her room again. Kristen, Jackson, and Rebecca took turns keeping her company. Her bed was already littered with wedding magazines, making her wonder if there were so many in her room, then how many were in Rebecca's room?

Although the company of the three of them was always pleasant to her, at one point, Vanessa started to get nervous from all the inactivity that she hadn't used to.

As per the order, Danny called her on the phone to invite her to dinner.

"Danny, I'd love to come. Just give me about thirty minutes to get ready."

"Okay, I'll pick you up after half an hour."


Vanessa got out of bed, took a pair of denim shorts and a white tank top from the closet, and got dressed. She texted Rebecca that she was going out and went downstairs.

Mission: UndercoverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz