Part 15: Jason's Past?

Start from the beginning

Nova stared at him, "Jason!" Jason was still blindfolded and jumped. "We have work to do!" She said.

Jason nodded, "Right sorry!" He remembered back, three years ago, when he was just seven years old.

Flashback, Jason was wearing a red jacket, black shirt, no shoes, and shorts. He walked down the stairs of his home, and saw his mom passed out on the couch, he walked over and saw a beer bottle in her hand, He shrugged it off. He took the bottle, and started cleaning up the room, there was trash everywhere. He then walked into the kitchen and started making coffee. His Mom woke up a little, she sat up on the couch and looked back to see Jason start fixing himself a bowl of cereal. "Oh, hey kid." She said, she stood up and grabbed her head.

Jason smiled at her, "Morning Mom!" He said with a grin. He then poured the milk into a bowl of cereal. "Have fun last night?"

His mom looked at him, "Oh yeah, that horror movie flick was the best."

Jason chuckled, "I mean when your friends came over to play poker."

"Oh, ya knew about that huh?" She said. The noticed the coffee.

Jason nodded, "Yeah, you guys woke me up so I watched for a little bit."

"Sorry kid, I thought you were asleep." She said.

Jason nodded, "It's ok." He then finished his cereal and stood up. "I"m gonna go out and play!" He put his food away and looked at his mom. "See ya later mom!" He ran out.

"Stay out of trouble today!" She yelled, "He always winds up getting into some weird disaster."

Jason was running through Pallet, and then started running into the woods. He ran through the trees and tripped over a tree root sticking out of the ground, he stood up and looked around, "Stupid haunted forest." he said. Then looked around, "Where are the Pokemon!" He said.

"Keep your voice down!" Jason looked over and saw a seven year old blaze, she was wearing a red shirt and jeans. "You'll scare them all away!"

Jason smiled, "Hi Blaze!" He shouted. "Have you seen any Pokemon around here!"

"I just said to keep your voice down!" She shouted back.

"Don't scream, you'll scare them!" Blaze picked up a rock and threw it at him as hard as she could. "Ouch! That hurt!"

"Shut up!" She then lowered her voice. "You'll scare them away."

"Oh, right," Jason said feeling stupid. "So, do you know where they are?"

"I saw a group of Rattata." Blaze said, "But you scared them off with your screaming."

"Oh... it was the forest's fault." Jason said, "It's haunted."

Blaze rolled her eyes, "Where did you get that idea?"

Jason smiled, "I heard that people with great navigational skills who go into forests are bullied by Ghost Pokemon." he smiled, "So obviously, Ghost Pokemon are playing tricks on me."

"Or you're just stupid." Blaze said.

Jason rolled his eyes, "You always think that." He looked into the woods. "I"m gonna go explore more." He looked at her, "Don't wait up!" He ran off.

Blaze rolled her eyes, "Idiot is going to get lost again." She followed him. "I'm coming too!" She chased him down. The two were wandering the forest having fun, it started getting dark though, the two kids were sitting at the edge of a cliff. Blaze looked at Jason, "We need to get going soon."

Jason smiled, "Alright." He said. "Hey, Blaze, do you remember that story?"

Blaze looked at him, "Which one?"

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