| A/N

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hi everyone!! i just wanna address some stuff that people haven't liked in the story so far and explain why i put it in🫣

okay so first, the eddie running away comment in chapter 6 was put in to reflect on Eddie's insecurity's and how the constant bullying affects/affected him. also, y/n was drunk and hurt because eddie had been ignoring her. pls stop sending me hate for it😭

second, in most recent chapter, 16, i specifically made Eddie to be the one to fight Jason simply because Eddie had been constantly bullied/harassed by jason and it was pent up anger, when jason mentioned y/n Eddie finally snapped and that's why i wanted to put that in there, not because y/n is weak or didn't want to fight for eddie, he just beat her to it haha.

i just wanted to clear that stuff up because i do read all of your comments!! i understand that it may have seemed one way, and i probably should've explained it earlier, but everything i put into the chapters is probably there to contribute to character development and the plot.

anyways, thank you all for the feedback, i just wanted to clear that stuff up because i know people were veryyyyyy unhappy with the running away comment, but i did put it there for a reason.

hope you all continue to enjoy this book, ily!!

(chapter 17 is the works rn)

Yours, | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now