Honey Dew | Three

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CW: Swearing, alcohol & drug mention/use.

(Romance is coming soon, bare with me!!)

presenting Honey Dew


I glided to the kitchen, scooting past Steve and making a piece of toast for Eddie.

I hear bread soaks up alcohol, so maybe it helps with hangovers? Whatever, this is what I'm making for him.

I slip the toast in, turning to talk to Steve.

I lean against the counter, "How'd you sleep?" I beamed over at him as he poured more coffee into my mug.

He passed me the mug, "Alright, you?"

I hummed, "I always sleep good over here," He lifted the corners of his mouth in a small smile.


The toaster went off, I strolled over, taking the small piece of bread out.

"Ow," I mumbled, dropping the hot toast on a plate and sucking the tip of my burnt finger.

I glanced up, my finger still in my mouth, and there was Eddie.

He watched me slowly take my finger away, my face flushed.

"Here," I huffed, "Your toast." He smiled down at the toast. "And," I continued, "Some fruit."

He scoffed upon seeing the honey dew. He looked up at me, as if to say are you serious?

I raised my eyebrows, "Its just honey dew?" He widened his eyes giving me yet another 'are you serious?' look.

I rolled my eyes, stabbing a fork into a piece of fruit, and shoving it near his mouth.

"C'mon you big baby, just try." I badgered, he grabbed my wrist, fighting my hand.
A few more moments of me trying to get him to just try the damn fruit before he accepted defeat.

"Jesus," he groaned, "Fine, fine." He gave in, opening his mouth to allow me to feed him. "Happy now?" I nodded, smiling in my accomplishment.

He mumbled something along the lines of this is why I hate you but I just kept smiling and ignoring his comment.

"Here Stevie," I said swiftly, grabbing another piece of fruit. "Your'e turn." He sighed slightly, he's used to me shoving some sort of healthy food down his throat.

Gotta get him to eat something healthy sometimes, right?

I shuffled to over to Robins room, where she was wandering around.

I spoke softly, "Good morning," she turned her attention to me, "Hey! Sorry I was just looking for," she paused, shaking her head, "I forgot."

I chuckled, "Can I interest you in a cup of coffee?"

"Oooh," She responded, nodding her head yes.

The four of us gathered on the couch, sipping coffee and making conversation about our plans for the day.

"I gotta go today," I groaned, "I'm sure my mom doesn't want me out again for the third night in a row." They hummed in response, "Maybe we could sneak over." smirked Steve.

I rolled my eyes, I find that myself doing that often around both Steve and Eddie.

I glanced over at Eddie after Steve's comment, he had his lips turned into a small smirk, it widened as he noticed my glance at him.

Steve and Robin got up to get ready for work, It was my day off.

I scooted closer to Eddie, "Hey," I asked lowly, "Could you maybe come over tonight?"

Yours, | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now