Intoxicating | Five

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Hi I just wanna start this by saying thank you all so much for all the kind words and support, it means so much to me. I really hope you enjoy this chapter!!! I had major writers block today, sorry for the wait ):

as always , Please leave any/all feedback or way I can improve Eddies character/ my writing!!

CW: Swearing, marijuana, cigarettes, and alcohol use & mention.

presenting Intoxicating


I smiled into my mug, thinking about last night, again.

How his hand felt against my skin, how we sat in silence just listening to each others breath, everything.

I can't stop replaying the past two days with Eddie, I still can't wrap my head around the fact that we slept in the same bed.

Right next to each other.

Holy shit. I slept next to Eddie.

I was so engulfed in my thoughts I didn't notice Eddie walking right into the kitchen.

"Hey," He interrupted, a small smile on his lips.

I looked up, smiling at him.

"How'd you sleep?" I queried.

"Better than usual," he responded, smirking at me. "Its much more comfortable than mine."

I nodded my head in agreement, "I'm well aware, I slept like shit when I stayed over at your place."

He rolled his eyes, "Yea yea, whatever Wheeler."

"You know what we should do today?" I asked, "Hmm?"

"We should go over to Steves again tonight," I suggested, "It was nice, you know, hanging out just the four of us."

He nodded in agreement, "My favorite part was when I cut my hand."

I shook my head, "You were so hammered, and it certainly didn't help you were also smoking."

He rolled his tongue against his cheek, "Eh, wasn't too bad."

I chuckled, walking over to the phone to call Steve.

A few rings later and the click.

"Hi Stevie," I smiled into the phone, "Can Eddie and I come over in a bit to hangout tonight?"

He agreed after a second, "Yea," He paused, "Not sure when my parents are getting back so come over whenever."

"Okay we'll see you in," I looked over to Eddie, "An hour?"

Eddie nodded yes. "Okay see you then, bye Y/n."

I hung-up the phone, "I'm gonna go get ready real quick," I said to Eddie before hurrying up the stairs.

I pulled on Steves navy sweater and my favorite pair of Denim jeans I had borrowed from Robin. I sprayed my neck and wrists in my perfume, looking in the mirror one last time before I descended down the stairs.

"Hey," Eddie said as I reached the bottom of the steps, "Lets leave a bit earlier, I need to stop home real quick to tell my uncle I'll be out."

I nodded.

I walked over to the stairs, "Bye mike I'm going to Steves," I called down.

"OKAY." He yelled back.

Eddie and I walked over to his van, parked down the street.

I hopped in beside him, metal playing quietly on the radio as he started his ignition.

he tapped his fingers lightly to the beat on the steering wheel.

Yours, | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now