Freak | Sixteen

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@averys6 sent me a message with the idea for this chapter! the original idea is from s1utforsteveh928373377 on tiktok!!! I hope you all enjoy chapter 16 <3

CW: swearing, flighting & injury, SMUTTT

Viewer discretion advised

presenting Freak


After what seemed like forever, Mom had finally agreed to ungrounded me.

This, being a result of me constantly doing chores and being on my best behavior for weeks.

Eddie had successfully snuck in multiple times throughout my grounding, always leaving very early the next morning.

"Mom," I questioned, pouring myself a small glass of water, "Can I go to a party tonight?"

She raised her brow as I turned to look at her, "With who?"

"Well, Its more like a small get together," I lied, "Robin wants me to go."

This, of course, was the opposite of the truth.

It was Jason Carvers party, and Robin wasn't going to be attending, too busy going to a movie with Vicky.

After a moment of thought, she nodded her head, "You need to be home by midnight if I let you go, deal?"

I smiled widely, this would be my first outing in a while, I desperately needed some sort of social interaction, "Deal."

I slipped on a pretty little black dress that hugged my figure, covering it with a jacket so mom wouldn't tell me to change.

After I had finished getting ready, I heard Eddie throwing pebbles at my window, signaling me to come down.

Eddie was obviously not a big fan of Jason, and vice versa.

I had to beg for him to come with me, I needed to be not sober for a night.

I raced down the stairs, hugging my mom as I hurried out the door, "Be home by midnight, Y/n!" She called after me.

As I hurried into Eddies van, I flung the jacket off.

His eyes studied what I was wearing as I sat down into the passenger seat.

I glanced at him, "Do you like it?" I asked softly.

He smirked at me, his ringed fingers gripping my thigh gently, "I do."

My face warmed as he drove off, his hand still on my thigh, his rings cool against my warm skin.

We drove mostly in silence, right up until we reached the party.

"Lets just skip it and go back to my place," He pleaded, "We'll have more fun over there anyways."

I smiled softly at him, kissing his cheek.

"We'll just stop by really quick, just a few drinks." I compromised, swinging my door open and shut.

As we both stepped out of the van, I laced my fingers into his, squeezing his hand softly.

I gave him a reassuring look.

Eddie and Jason famously do not get along, but I think we'll have fun tonight.

I led us to the front door, opening it and stepping into the crowded party, music and conversation buzzing.

We found the kitchen, Eddie poured us two cups of some sort of punch from the counter.

"Y/n!" Someone called excitedly from behind me.

Yours, | Eddie MunsonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora