Scared | Seven

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GUYS IM SORRY FOR THE RUNNING AWAY COMMENT. I'd just like to say that it was just in the heat of the moment, y/n was very drunk. She'll make amends for her awful sins. please don't be mad

CW: drinking, smoking.

presenting Scared


I looked up from my position, meeting eyes with a very upset looking Eddie.

My breath Hitched as he continued to stare at me, he clearly was not very happy with me. As hard as I try, I just can't pin point what exactly happened.

"Hi?" I managed to blurt out, my voice slightly shaking.

He raised his eyebrows, "Do you remember last light, Y/n?"

I shook my head, "No," I paused to think, "I feel like I said something to you," I looked down, "I can't remember what."

He scoffed, looking down. "Come by my place after work. We need to talk."

I nodded my head sheepishly, lowly looking down at the floor.

With that, he turned away from me and shoved the door open and shut.


What did I do?

I glanced over to Robin and Steve, who were watching everything go down from across the way.

"Do either of you know what I said to him? He is royally pissed." I huffed.

Steve shook his head.

"Well, he walked you inside," He explained, "And then a few moments later he stormed outside and drove me back to his place so I could have my car in silence."

I slapped my palm to my forehead, desperately trying to remember anything.

Nothing popped into my mind, completely blank.

My hands were shaking my whole shift, anxiety in the pit of my stomach. I'm very confrontational when Im drunk.

The hours went by slowly, anticipating the inevitable.

When seven o'clock finally came, I asked Steve to take me to Eddie's.

The car ride over was very quiet; very uncomfortable.

"Are you sure you wanna go in?" Steve asked me quietly, "You don't have to." Robin assured.

I just nodded my head, "No, I need to find out what exactly I said. Thanks for driving me over."

"Okay," Steve mumbled, "See you tomorrow."

I smiled weakly, hopping out of the car and slowly walking towards the front door.

I knocked two times before he answered.

He didn't greet me, just opened the door and let me in.

I sat down on his couch and he sat next to me.

I bit my bottom lip, "Eddie I really can't remember what I said," I mumbled, "I'm sure I didn't mean it. I'm really s-"

"I'll tell you what you did," Eddie cut me off, "You yelled at me for ignoring you after you 'poured' your heart out to me, and then," he paused, looking me right in the eye, "You said Classic Eddie, running away."

I looked back into his eyes. "Eddie I'm so sorry," I whispered softly, "I think I was just hurt because," I thought about what to say next, "Because you really did ignore me all day. I just wanted to hurt you back and I'm really sorry."

Yours, | Eddie MunsonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz