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Chapter two: first love

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Chapter two: first love

Freshman year

He was unapproachable.

Why was he so unapproachable? Was it the way he walked, the smile he showed or the shine to his perfect straight row of teeth he had.

"He's gay."

The words still blocked me from seeing what others did and still I don't know.

It's for the best, not to know. She knew that much as if the change of his sexuality would give her a chance.

He wasn't just those things, he soon became so much more as time went by. He was just like us, normal, never stood out to anyone but to me he did until junior year.

He found his youth.

He finally knew his potential and he used it against others. His smartness grew cocky as if he became better than others overnight and his walk changed; on a level no one could ever reach.

But my feelings never changed. It grew stronger knowing I would never see him again.

I didn't realize until senior year that I was completely in love with him, endlessly would give him all of me under a second. I believed he was my home, the scent of his cologne became my gateway.

A gateway away from Zefira's heartbreak she had no clue she had.

Gay or not I knew this wasn't going to stop my feelings instead it made me stronger to walk away from him. Our graduation was our last and final. Reaching out wasn't an option. Moving on was.

4 years of loving him didn't stop there.

1 years later, did.

I never believed in love at first sight until Ezra Cohen Scroggins: 2015-2021

© Ren Sherman Nonfiction

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