6: From One Mourner To Another

Start from the beginning

"Um, inside the Walls," you clarify. "Not...on missions, or whatever."

He pauses, disappointment knotting his brow. "No, of course not," he lies. "That would be dangerous."

"Right," you agree hesitantly, concerned by his uncertain response.

"Anyways, I'll be back at headquarters tomorrow evening. If you have any letters of application, I'll be happy to deliver them to the right people."

"Oh, sure. I'll get something drafted by then. I'll get things from my friends, too."


You kindly dismiss yourself shortly after, leaving the section commander alone as you carry on your duties. In passing, you tell Thea of Miche's proposal, to which she takes interest and promises to spread the word. Ruth, too, responds right away that she'll write up a letter for Erwin. You're surprised by her immediate willingness, but she explains that any experience outside her life in Stohess is always welcome. You find it spoiled of the Wall Sina resident to want to escape her rich life, but you keep that to yourself. She doesn't boast her apparent wealth, so you have no qualms with her interests.

Nightfall comes, lanterns replacing sunlight in illumination. You check on all your patients before finding a private room and beginning a draft to give to Erwin, detailing your previous medical experiences and interest in helping the Scouts. It's an eloquent note, written with the same academic prowess that allowed you to survive college. You finish easily, signing your name at the base before folding up the paper and inserting it into an envelope. Medical Recruiters of the Scout Regiment, you write on the envelope.

When you go to deliver it to Erwin, he's already asleep. You creep to the counter in his room, only to discover several other enveloped letters already placed neatly. They're signed the same as yours, and you fetch a guess for two of their authors being Ruth and Thea. Adding yours to the pile, you imagine you and your two friends joining the Scouts as a small group of healthcare workers. To assist with potential injuries, of course, but mostly to observe the activities of the Scouts. That's your intention, anyway.

The Scouts do have medics of their own, though they hardly interact with the personnel of the hospital in Shiganshina. These medics somewhat blend in with the soldiers, and serve similar purposes, their only difference being slight medical expertise. You don't know much about them beyond that, though. They don't stand out enough to matter.

You stay up for a few hours while Thea sleeps, then you two soon switch roles as you take advantage of any rest you can get.

In one of the shared dormitories reserved for nurses, you exchange your dress for a loose gown and clamber onto a stiff cot, pulling the thin blanket over your body. You're tired, but your mind wanders as you try falling asleep.

It goes to Levi first. He must surely be in your room right now, either sleeping or trying to do so. You trust his integrity—he's not going to look through your clothes with perverse intentions or anything. You know he wouldn't do that.

You hope he wouldn't, anyway. Would he?

No. He might be rude and caustic, but he showed some hesitancy over using a woman's room. He likely wouldn't be a degenerate about it.

You're proud of yourself for persuading him to take your room, hoping that a bit of rest will help the tormented soldier. If not rest, then at least a safe place for a few hours may give him privacy to think and relax. You're conjuring many assumptions about his mental state and lifestyle, but you tell yourself you'll have to keep hypothesizing until he tells you more about himself.

If he will, that is.

The following morning, Thea wakes you and reassures you that she handled the rest of your shift with no issue. You eat breakfast with her in the hospital, then bid Clark farewell as you prepare to head to the inn.

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