Just a Minute

473 31 18

Adams POV.

"Damn. We were in there for like over an hour." I said when we got out. Tommy giggled then kissed me again.

"Someone's in a good mood." I say smiling.

"Mmmhmmmm. S'hard not to." He said giggling again. I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around him. It was hard to contain my love for him when he was with me.

He started kissing my bare chest all the way up to my lips and then draped his arms over my shoulders.

"I. Love. You." He said in between kisses. My mom walked in on him saying that and he was a deer in headlights. Completely still. Thanking myself that we had pants on I turned to face her.

"H- hi mom.. Wathcha um. Doing?" I asked nervously. Tommy hid behind me and I could feel the waves of anxiety coming off of him.

"I was coming to see what took you so long." she said sternly, avoiding my eyes. "Adam can I talk to you?"

"Alone?" she added quickly after that.

"No mom what you say in front of me you can say in front of Tommy." I said protecting him.

"Adam it's just for a second."


"Adam listen to me right now. I want to talk to you alone." She started raising her voice. I could feel Tommy shaking behind me. Getting more and more worried about him I finally said.

"Okay" I sigh, "just for a minute. That's. it." I said sternly. She nodded.

"I'll be in the kitchen." Then she sashayed away.

I turned to Tommy immediately and made sure he wasn't going to pass out or have an anxiety attack.

"It's okay Tommy. It's just a minute." I whisper and gently caress the side of his face, afraid to hurt him because of how fragile he looked. He nodded and I kissed him gently on the lips.

"Just relax on my bed okay?" I asked quietly. He nodded once more and I kissed his forehead as I departed the room.

Making my way to the kitchen I saw my mom sitting at the table. "Adam sit." I sat down.

"We need to talk about this... whole.. 'love' thing." she said making air quotes around 'love'.

"What about it?" I asked fearing the answer.

"I don't think you can handle this heartbreak Adam." Woah woah woah. Heartbreak?

"Adam I don't want to tell you this, but it happens all the time. Two people think they're in love but they're not. Adam you're both young and he doesn't know what he's talking about when he says 'I love you'." holy shit. She didn't just say that.

"Oh my god mom what the hell do you think Tommy is? a spring fling? he's not. Hence he loves me. I love him. It's not just some 'fling' that ill forget about in time. This is a real fucking relationship!" my voice raised higher with every word.

"Adam calm down." She said calmly.

"You want me to 'calm down'? you calm down. I know what love looks like. I know what I feel and so does he. Every time I touch him I get this shock through my arm and it makes me feel amazing. You expect me to just calm down?! how can I calm down when you're saying these things!" I've finally reached yelling. Huston we have a problem. Everything's getting dizzy and I can't see straight. Back up. I repeat I need back up!

I feel bile raise up to my mouth but I swallow it, not wanting to throw up. I stand up but only to find that my legs don't want me to so I fall back into the chair. The world is getting darker by the second and all I hear is my mom screaming.

"Adam? Adam?? ADAM!"

And it all went black.
I opened my eyes and saw bright lights. Am I dead? I looked around.

Nope. Just a hospital. My hand was sweaty from being held by someone to my right.

"Adam? You're awake! oh my god I was so worried I even prayed and I don't believe in that shit. I probably did it wrong.. But you're awake!" that was definitely Tommy. He was the one who was holding my hand, but wasn't anymore because he had me in a tight embrace. I wrapped my arms around him as best I could, because they felt heavy.

"I love you so much Tommy." I mumbled as I kissed his shoulder.

"I love you too Adam. More than you could ever know.." he whispered.

He pulled off just enough to let our lips connect. It was perfect. Until the nurse walked in.

"How are you--" she stopped talking when she saw us and Tommy jumped away instantly. She smiled.

"My brother is gay." She said still smiling, so I smiled and no later Tommy was.

"So how are you feeling?" she asked, now serious.

"I feel fine. Why? What's wrong with me?" I asked frantically.

"Nothing sweetheart. If you didn't feel well something might've been wrong but you said you feel fine and you're not lying are you?" she asked. I shook my head.

"Well then you're fine. You just had a panic attack. We usually don't see them happen like yours did and nothing was damaged so--

"When will he be able to go home? soon?" Tommy blurted out. She smiled and then said.

"Today. If you let me finish talking I was going to say that." she was still smiling. She's a nice person. I like her.

"Sorry." Tommy mumbled.

"You're fine sweetie. Let me go get the release papers so that your mom can sign them." She said.

"Wait my moms here? where is she?" I demanded.

"Yes she is. And she's in the hallway Adam. So is your dad." The nurse explained and then left the room.

"Why aren't they in here?"

"I thinks it's better if they tell you." Tommy whispered. Getting nervous I started biting my lip. Tommy brought his finger up to my lip to stop me, which was soon followed by his lips.

The nurse walked back in and Tommy didn't jump this time. He just pulled away normally.

"You're free to go Adam." She said smiling at me.
HAH YES. ALL IN ONE DAY TOO SUCKAHS. JK I love u all :3 leave feedback and don't judge if I messed up on something. :P FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED.

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