"Fine. Hurry up."

I went back to Kate. "She'll be here soon."

At the end, when everyone stopped dancing Kate asked if Chloe is there. "She'll be here in five minutes." I said.

"She missed the whole solo audition." Emily said

"Yeah, but I said five minutes." I repeated myself.

"Still missed the whole thing."

"Listen, Emily's right. She didn't show up for her solo audition. What am I supposed to do? I can't wait for her to show up at her own time." Kate said.

I'm freaking out inside.

"I have decided who's going to be awarded the solo." Kate said.

"The dancer is going to be... Daniel." Everyone clapped for him.

He did really good. I'm happy for him.

"And James, you came second so you'll be his understudy." Kate added.

I smiled towards him but let the rest of the team hug him.

Ever since the day on the bus something just been off.

"Chloe!" I heard Emily exclaimed. I looked at her walking inside the studio. "How nice of you joining to join us. You missed the solo audition."

"I'm sorry. I... was doing stuff." Chloe said.

"You're sorry? I'm not sure if you're aware, but this is A troupe."

"Miss Kate wouldn't had put me here if she didn't think I could do it."

"She wouldn't have put you here if she knew you're gonna be so late. I don't have time for someone who is not here."

"I deserve to be here."

"Really? I think you deserve to be in B troupe."

"Guys save it for later. Let's just rehearse." Daniel suggest.

"I would love to. Why don't you show us the moves?" She asked Chloe.

"I don't know them." Chloe said quietly.

"I know you don't know them. You're behind in everything. Everything!"

Chloe was so hurt. I could see it in her eyes. She turned around, grabbed her bag and ran out of the studio.

It's a sick feeling knowing someone can't dance because they don't have money.

"You know you don't have to be so mean!" I yelled at Emily. "She missed the audition. It's not that big of a deal."

I've had enough.

"It's not just the auditions, Isabel. She comes late, she leaves early, she's not dedicated. This is A troupe."

"Do you know all the facts about Chloe? Do you know what's going on in her life?"

"No. Do you? Cause if you do, how about you tell everyone?"

I took a deep breath. "I can't."

"That's what I thought. Listen, this is my team. I'm the dance captain."

"Yeah, I know." I said really annoyed.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Supposed to mean, I always wanted to be a dance captain, you just never noticed!" I screamed.

And then I realized what I've said.

James: when Izzy said that in front of everyone, that was the beginning.

Riley: she was doing so good.

"Excuse me?" Emily asked me.

"Just forget it, okay?" I said softly.

"No. What the hell are you talking about?"

Steph kept giving me dirty looks. "Forget it, Em." I said and walked out of the studio.

I walked towards James and Riley in the juice bar. "Still wants me to be a dance captain?" I asked them.

I am so sick of Emily's attitude. It's time someone would actually care about this team. Truly.

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