"Why?" Came his question.

"Because I just have a quarter minutes of work over there and you should probably be there for an hour or two for our next project meeting." He elucidated.


"So until your meeting is over, I can take Naomi around the city of kawela bay. She's already bored, just by sitting in this house so I thought about it." He faltered.

For a while there was a brief silence as Harold pondered in some thoughts. And finally...

"Okay, she can come with us." Harold said with his stoic signature face.

Dylan smiled at me.

Day by day my love towards him is growing more and more.

And he also proved that this egoistic devil also have a heart.............of stone.

"Tomorrow, join king in his car. I'll meet you in kawela bay. " He said as I nodded with a smile.

"Tomorrow, Sharp at 7 am. Time is everything to me, I don't like anyone to be late." King said in a dry voice, more like taunting on my laziness.



Oh god!!

I can't be late, I only had five more minutes to get ready. It was already 6:55 am. Last night I couldn't sleep due the euphoric feeling I had by thinking about today, me and Dylan alone roaming around the city of kawela bay.

I woke up at 6:30 am and took a really quick shower, I wore a black pencil cut knee length skirt along with a beige turtle neck full sleeved top. I know I wasn't in my best dressing but really don't have time to dress up.

I dried my frizzy hair with the hair dryer, I combed my hair with my fingers and swiped all my makeup items into my handbag from the dressing table. In a swift, I wore my heels and ran out of my room.

I rushed towards lounge but Harold was nowhere in sight. Suddenly I heard a sound of an engine as I peeked through the glass.

My blood boiled as I saw Harold's sitting inside his car.

That devil..

I checked the time and it was only 7:02. I was only two minutes late. I scurried out of the house and sprinted towards his car.

The chauffeur revved the engine as I screamed.

"STOP!!!" I was panting hard as I reached the car.

I opened the passenger door and sat on the passenger seat. Harold was on the back seat and the chauffeur on the driver seat.

Chauffeur's eye were wisde open as he saw my state. Harold's jaws were clenched probably due to his loss, huh.

Stupid egoistic jerk.

"Miss Nolan you are--" before he could continue his long boring 'how to behave' speech, I fished my hands into my handbag and pulled my earphones out along with my mobile. I plugged my phone and pushed the ear plug into my ear and switched on a song with high volume.

I glanced at him through rear view mirror as his jaws twitched and he rolled his eyes in pure annoyance.

I smirked.

Chauffeur started the engine and pulled the car out of Kingston property. I took my make products out and started doing my make-up. I applied my lipstick and dabbed my lips together. I took my hair brush out and neatly brushed my hair before spraying some hair spray.

The driver gave me an odd look, meanwhile Harold shook his head in dismay and focused on his phone to ignore my presence as if I'm bothered by his actions.

I rolled my eyes.

We were still halfway to kawela bay when suddenly my phone rang. It was Dylan, I smiled widely and recieved my phone.

"Hello!" Came his chocolatey voice.

"Uh..hello!! Um.. did you reach kawela bay?" I asked, I couldn't help the smile that was plastered on my face.

There was brief silence on the other side for a while.

"Dylan? Are you there?"

"King didn't tell you anything?" Came his confused voice.

"What?" I furrowed my brows.

"Actually, my trip to kawela bay got cancelled."



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